well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Oh here we go again with the snarky little railings - the flying pasta monster and such.
Why do i even bother reading the "news?" (Guess i'll never learn :/) Last night read an article that came up in the trough - and of course,
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
So, with the smug, invalidating, snarkyiness coming from the left, am experiencing a push to the extreme right.
Didn't watch the election results - tv $ub$cription$? No thanks. But my co-worker, who has various amenities, did watch the numbers
Sunday, January 24, 2021
i get a bit perturbed when the "multiply" is accentuated, while the "fruitful" is (typically) ignored.
In the Bible, on like page two, the two terms are introduced - "fruitful" comes first. No Bible scholar, but have heard of the "law of first mention." Sounds to me (for whatever that's worth) like getting a job, saving up, building a house - one with enough rooms, where the half-dozen kiddos can move around...can do their studies, can play without tripping over things - things including space heater(s). Speaking of space-heaters, they need like three clutter-free feet.
Also get a bit sideways whenever the quiver-full faction launches their batch of emotionally charged accusations...ya know, we spoiled Americans love our drywall, love our stuff - and do not want to leave our comfort zone. Uh, guys, welcome to the human condition.
Funny, not really, but the quiver-full sardine-cannery folks seem to have forgotten that the same Bible nowhere condemns a man and wife mutually agreeing to take (separate) cold showers at a certain time of the month, for reasons including high heating bills and (covid) cuts in work hours. It's about being realistic, grown up and providing for the three kids who need things, things like winter coats (that don't smell funny) and shoes (that won't mess up their feet).
That same Bible, by the way, warns against getting into debt...with passages like, the borrower being a servant to the lender. Anyone with any sense knows that it doesn't take $800 cell-phones and tattoo visits to end up with debt - all's it takes is an unplanned repair expense (either the furnace, you or both) to start that hard-to-get-out-off regress.
The quiver-fulls could stand to birth some compassion...ya think?
Friday, January 22, 2021
Election days past. Through the almost 27 years my late husband and i were married, every election day,
except for 2016, i'd ask him the same old question: "okay honey, which jerk do i vote for?" He knew more about politics than i, and frankly, except for the 2016, neither did i care who was in office. We both were for Donald Trump, so there was no need for those, "hey honey..." questions. Honey passed in 2018, a week shy of election day, and it's no big wonder why who to vote for was simply not on my radar - never mind, it never really was. Politicians are politicians.
It wasn't until about last summer that the upcoming election began to matter. Basically, what woke me from a lifetime of political agnosticism was the downright hateful drivel coming from the boomer blogs. These blogs, of course, are written by people who are around my age. And yeah, i get it, not everybody cares to vote for the same guy. That's okay, but the dern nasty rhetoric (of which liberals are so talented) all's that did was set off the alarm clock.
Gives new meaning to "woke."
More like, restores a legit definition. Yeah, that's another issue - how LIEberals get their cookies off by ripping off the language. "Woke" can mean, freaky-people-need-to-grow-up-and-get-ta-work. Speaking of...time to get ready.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
No math whiz, but 400 thousand divided into some 330 million
comes to like a sixth of one percent - certainly less, alot less than one percent. And frankly, most of that 400 thousand had one foot on a banana peel to begin with. Long before covid, we kept a distance from gram if we had a sniffle - catching a cold could have landed her in the hospital, if not the funeral parlor. Yeah, toward the end, gram was so weak, she couldn't even walk outside to get her mail.
Just heard a sermon where the KJB preacher posed the following observation/question: Why aren't we informed every five days of the total of alcohol related deaths? He, of course, was referring to the despair of millions who, because of the lockdowns, are out of work and unable to meet their financial obligations.
So easy for boomers, living comfortable retirements in houses paid off - driving cars the same - to advertise (to their fellow snooty-tooties) having shed a tear upon remotely visiting the recent covid memorial.
Before covid was even a word, would check out the stats - like one out of six or seven adults was seriously struggling to pay his or her basic expenses. The fancy word is "food insecurity." Can only guess the ratio is significantly closer. All's i know is: this needless lock down (a jailhouse term) has compelled a step up on the putting in the plate (if that isn't a work of the Lord, then am totally clueless).
And yeah, i get it. Covid is real, and it's nasty - it can rip your lungs to shreds. But disallowing people to visit gramps - who's stuck in that nursing home, and really lonely...uhm, there's masks, and keeping a distance. Masks aren't a 100% guarantee, but they keep down the spread.
Life is risky, yeah! So what do we do? Hide in our rooms, behind 'puter screens? And whine because the uber driver was 15 minutes late, and the (also overworked/underpaid) restaurant people forgot the little packet of balsamic dressing. So boomer...bluuck.
Monday, January 18, 2021
Not surprised, the people dancing on the grave of white privilege, are the same ones who benefited from it. Back in the late 1960s,
they paraded anti-white signs on campus, then - come the next holiday, or for whatever function - meet up with family and friends at the country club and gab about last christmas at the ski lodge/the upcoming trip to Venice. After college, these well-connected future boomers went on to lucrative careers, bought spacious homes in coveted neighborhoods. Later on, though money not a problem, received another leg-up - a healthy inheritance. Typical we-got-ours boomers.
Young people may be struggling financially (happens when the rug's pulled out) but young people of whatever color aren't stupid, they know what a hypocrite is.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Will winter ever end? So fed up with snow-flakes. And recently a senior member of
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Here's what's really scary: if the left's handlers can muzzle the writings of our current President, Donald Trump, what next?
the Word? That is: the King James Bible. Have noticed, while there's lots of folks who launch hissy-fits whenever a Bible is brought out, and actually opened - and so much as two (yeah, like just two on a blog-post) Scriptures are read. But, boy o boy, the fangs really come out, when the brief reading is from a regular old King James.
i listen to a KJB preacher who goes into a major city (about 30 miles from his home) and he and a few of his brothers-in-Christ street preach. Oh the temper-tantrums thrown by the scoffers and revilers...uh hey, there's no law stating that Bible-despisers must stand there and listen.
i remember the news footage (back in the late 60s, when news reporting was reasonably
Communists stifle speech. And they don't want people talking about Scripture either - so, folks won't know,
Well, this is creepy enough, the dragons are out in force...and have SILENCED (of all people) our current President, Donald Trump.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
What happened in DC last Wednesday (1/6/21)...and the namby-pamby party is acting all shocked?
Saturday, January 9, 2021
While grocery shopping earlier today. Spring will be here...eventually. How are young men to
Friday, January 8, 2021
The next few months are going to be mighty interesting. Just wait for inevitable tax hikes.
Just wait for our nation's borders to be dismantled, and watch the sluffballs come pouring in. Watch 'em sign up for generous doles. Here's where the real fun will begin...that is, besides the hikes in robberies, rapes, vandalism, and various other long-term thefts of (young and healthy) working-people's resources.
Give it about a year or two. Won't be long, when boomers start noticing their retIrement checks beginning to fall seriously short of funding their living-large LIE-styles. That's when the beefing will ramp up, bigtime. Especially over health care costs, these will, of course, go up. Ya know how it is with boomers - they want to rock-and-roll forever...that's so pathetic...come on, at 60+??? The guitar tattoo is faded, gedda grip!
Anyhow, with slackers pouring through the gate (and breeding a new generation of std-stained no-counts and thugs) somebody has to pay for the free doctor/dental visits and the (gang-bang related) ER and hospital admissions.
What can the shrinking percentage of sensible Americans say to their ever-whining new-agey (satan's flunkies are never satisfied, don' cha know) family members and friends? How about, "Don't-wanna-hear-it, you voted for Ahab and Jezebel, now go 'way."
i am SO DONE with communicating with LIEberals/leftI$ts; they twist stuff...stinking lying buncha narcissists.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Come November 2024...if i haven't yet expired, i hope (still) President Donald Trump runs again for President.
Plan to vote for Trump, if for no other reason, to honk off the LIEberals who've been waxing mega melodrama for way too long now. Granted, some of the good ole boys, who had gone to Washington yesterday, had gotten a bit out of hand. (Boys will ne boys, God love 'em ;) But aside of a few broken windows, and a few stacks of paper thrown around in several offices, the City of Washington did not end up as a smoking heap - uhm, unlike block after block in certain other cities just this past summer.
In all THAT violence, many people lost their businesses, their life savings. Business that, before the scrungewaffles rioted, were already rendered crippled...because of what! Because the getting-near-their-expiration-date hypochrondriacs were, and still are, making way too big a fuss over a freaking flu pandemic, that's what.
Btw, saw another full-faced lady while in town. Yep, no mask. Yep, not everyone is an obnoxiously lecturing fraidy cat ;) ;) ;)
The day before yesterday, went looking for other boomer blogs to read. There was a website that listed over 100 boomer-blogs.
And, not surprisingly, the descriptions mainly focused on travel (hey kids, nuts to you, we're spending your inheritance...mwa-haha:) finance (we got ours, and simply LUV to rub that fact in young faces) peths (yawn), and here and there, a few old-feminist blogs (yeah, whatever). Among more than a couple of the blogs, written by women 60+, was the subject matter of dating (r u kidding me?? - ya'd think by 60-something, reality would have set in ... eh, guess not ;/ ).
And of course, the same lame LIEberal Trump-is-baad political mantra. Oh, wait a sec, forgot to mention the list was infested with alota new-agey nonsense. Yeah, i'm a right winger, and yoga is nuthin but a submissive posturing to devils. As for exercise, there's always stuff needing done around the house - oh, can't wait for the afternoon temps to get above 45 farenheit.
Needful to say, didn't see a one listing of a Christian blogger - oh, like that's a shocker ;/ Anyway, shift fixing to start.
"Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud." Psalm 123:4
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Missed out on participating in the march on Washington (story of my life :) Ya see, i still have a j-o-b (that hasn't been axed by the hypochondriac-faction).
Ya know, mainly, the inflated gaggle of chronologically past-tense people who want to keep America on lock-down - that's a prison term, by the way. Yeah, it's easy enough to lecture on about masking, social distancing and zoom-meetings, when your house/s is/are paid for and there's plenty in the portfolio. So basically, like 50+ years ago, it's nuts to regular Americans who must go out to work everyday.
What went on in Washington? Likely lots of folks with lots of time on their hands. Uhm, that happens, when the (nearing or past their expiration date) hypochondriac-party supports normally working, healthy, young people getting SHUT OUT from their jobs - and keeping people shut out - for no better "reason" than ... well, the flu's making the rounds. Btw, President Donald Trump was for protecting our nation's Borders.
And NO! this old broad (nearing her expiration date :) ain't shuttin' up, and ain't goin' away ... uh, that is, unless the Lord has other plans - yikes :O (Can ya spell, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.")
What's wrong with this country? Give it a few months!
When Ahab becomes President - stirred up by that time Vice President Jezebel - rips down the borders and lets in every sluffball (to breed like rabbits). Taxes will go up like crazy. That's what's wrong!
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Calling Donald Trump a sore loser? Really! Thing is, back in October, and even before,
what sort of shocked me was the downright hateful drivel (Uhm, aren't words like "natzi" and "fascist" a bit melodramatic??") coming off the peacy-peacy boomer blogs. Ya know, the same blogs that blather on about yoga (blluck), posItIve thinking (yeah, when you have lots of dough, it's real easy to wax on, and on...with the high-sounding lectures) and the endless peth-pics (yawn ;/) Evidently, not a whole lot has changed from Woodstock days ... still the smug know-it-alls who think they know better (about running a nation) than their fore-Fathers.
No wonder young people hate our freaking guts, and want us to effing die, asap.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Sixteen days away from President Ahab and Vice President Jezebel. Yeah, i'm bummed out already. Had hoped that Donald Trump
LOVE this area. Trump signs are STILL up :) Around here, two out of three voters voted for Donald Trump.
Where i live, the only thing i have to worry about, when going outside the house when it's dark, is wild critters - the four legged kind. Few months ago, saw a coyote down by the pole barn. Bob, a neighbor who lives down the road some, packs - yep, keeps his gun handy, because he not only sees coyotes, but bears too. i know that Genesis 9:2 says, "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth..." Still, yay for outside lights, and those LED flashlights to take along to the wood crib / pole barn; never know if either is occupied. Doesn't happen often, but if startled, even deer can and will land you in the hospital.
Anyway, this new year, like other new year's - and about any other time, there's that comforting sound of GUNS going off - ya know, good ole local boys (and girls) shooting cans off posts, or out hunting in the woods.