Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sixteen days away from President Ahab and Vice President Jezebel. Yeah, i'm bummed out already. Had hoped that Donald Trump

would be our President.  And yeah, i get it, Donald Trump is not perfect - just way better for the job.  Was hoping he'd remain in the White House...buying us four more years.  Not only am bummed out, but am somewhat frightened - yeah, not supposed to be afraid.  Need to accentuate the positive (ggag)!  

Am looking at, perhaps, witnessing a major historical event: the possible, if not probable, collapse of a leading nation - a land that once valued people who actually worked for a living, went to church, and basically lived quiet blue-collar patrician (yeah, that goes together) lives. A nation where one didn't need to worry about persecution, for simply pointing out the obvious - such as:  tomato vines produce tomatoes.  History shows a certain (really gross) vine having been left to grow, did a real number on strangling various civilizations. 

Was the election rigged?  i don't know, but i know this:  (to borrow a line from a movie about a guy who seriously ripped off an antique dealer) "If you're asking questions like that, you've already been had."  One thing for sure, over the next couple of seasons, things are bound to get mighty interesting. 

It's almost funny, that if you voted for Donald Trump, that in itself, is enough to classify you (by the peacy-peacy ghandi-qroupies) as like some sort of persona non grata.   

Btw, saw a lady in the grocery store who (oh get this) didn't have a mask on.  Yay, it's so refreshing to actually see the face of another human being.  


  1. Trump is a traitor.

    As for the maskless woman, she is an idiot. People are dying and those refusing to wear a mask or help with the pandemic, have no conscience and empathy to save lives.

    Why do you support Trump? You think an older widow will matter to the Social Darwinists?

  2. Of course, old broads are considered useless eaters by social darwinists. Social darwinists are a really judgy bunch, who would knock the Lord off His seat if they only could.
