Saturday, January 30, 2021

Oh here we go again with the snarky little railings - the flying pasta monster and such.

Little pot-shots from the same clay-potties, who insist the Lord doesn't exist.  Well then, why the relentless bellyaching and name-calling?  Of course, the answer to that question is found in Romans 1.  

It all boils down to bad old-fashioned contempt for authority.  Have to wonder what it's like to have to work with these railer-types.  Heaven help their boss, bet that poor guy or gal is eating the tube.

Yeah, bosses throw work at people - people who already have a full in-bin.  Bosses are like that.  So, brought the thing home - yikes!  But thankful to have a job, one that pays enough to keep the lights on, food in the frig (nothing fancy, but it's nutritious) and gas in the vehicle.

That's another thing the Bible details - scoffers are an unthankful bunch, and they (spiritually and physically) behave in a  parasitic manner.


  1. Life can be frustrating! ❤️ Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Dear Susan, you're welcome. Have a great day, and stay warm.

  3. Funny how christianity is built all on dominance and authority. Many figure out God doesn't exist in the way Christians say because reality does not pan out the way that the pastors, the bible and Christians say. You remember me from my Christian days and old blog. I prayed a lot back then. A lot of the spaghetti monster jokesters were let down by God, who just decided to be checked out for a few years. LOL As for authority, some see a better world that is not built on authoritarianism and oppression. I think humanity needs to evolve past this to survive, and thrive. Sadly religion keeps us back in those old stone age, barbaric warlord days.
