Saturday, January 30, 2021

Why do i even bother reading the "news?" (Guess i'll never learn :/) Last night read an article that came up in the trough - and of course,

it was of a liEberal slant.  Complete with fanged-phrases like "republicans refusing to wear masks"... as if only republicans won't put on their masks.  Another phrase was almost laughable: it goes something like, they're (repubs) to mmeeee (of course) "smaller people."  And here's the big surprise, kiddies:  the article was written by somebody named "Heather."

Women get so emotional.  And then (still) wonder why they (still) hit hard against the glass ceiling.

Oh wait a sec, maybe "Heather" is actually a man...can't be to sure these days.  And yeah, could do a search for Heather's bio and maybe there would be a picture.  But what's that going to prove?  So much deception going on.  Was listening to a sermon ( last night, and the preacher was going on about folks not researching.  And yeah, man has a point about the societal-wide shrinkage of concentration span and all, but when you're asking if the article/back-up documentation is even partially true?  Yep, when yer asking those kinds of questions, you've been had.

So, at the end (or start) of the day, if i want to read what's actually True, i'll read a chapter from the King James Bible.

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