For example: if you simply say, "but the Bible says the husband leads the home." The heidies - and their flunkies - so predictably ;/ will spin that matter-of-fact statement into some sort of womyn-hate admission, where the husband gets a free pass to punch wifey (because she overcooked the broccoli, again).
And if you express the belief that you seriously suspect that manhood (especially, of a certain race) has been and is being systematically maligned - and that this particular psy-ops (yeah, kiddies, there's more than one) has been in the works for decades - well, you're likely to end up being suspected of keeping a certain style of body-mask in a bottom drawer.
Oh, and if ya even think, "psy-ops," (i.e. simply stating the obvious) may be going on, well, then you're likely an extremist - and, well, not quite hitting on all eights.
Meanwhile, there's still a few Pastors urging the church to go out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ - that only Jesus saves (not buddha or mickey mouse) lost hell-bound sinners. Well good luck with that one, christian - plain old common sense language has long felt the friction of a (fake) rubber eraser, and the words are so faint, they're barely recognizable.
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