Thursday, January 7, 2021

The day before yesterday, went looking for other boomer blogs to read. There was a website that listed over 100 boomer-blogs.

And, not surprisingly, the descriptions mainly focused on travel (hey kids, nuts to you, we're spending your inheritance...mwa-haha:) finance (we got ours, and simply LUV to rub that fact in young faces) peths (yawn), and here and there, a few old-feminist blogs (yeah, whatever).  Among more than a couple of the blogs, written by women 60+, was the subject matter of dating (r u kidding me?? - ya'd think by 60-something, reality would have set in ... eh, guess not ;/ ).

And of course, the same lame LIEberal Trump-is-baad political mantra.   Oh, wait a sec, forgot to mention the list was infested with alota new-agey nonsense.   Yeah, i'm a right winger, and yoga is nuthin but a submissive posturing to devils.  As for exercise, there's always stuff needing done around the house - oh, can't wait for the afternoon temps to get above 45 farenheit. 

Needful to say, didn't see a one listing of a Christian blogger - oh, like that's a shocker ;/  Anyway, shift fixing to start.

"Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud."  Psalm 123:4

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