Friday, January 22, 2021

Election days past. Through the almost 27 years my late husband and i were married, every election day,

except for 2016, i'd ask him the same old question: "okay honey, which jerk do i vote for?"   He knew more about politics than i, and frankly, except for the 2016, neither did i care who was in office.  We both were for Donald Trump, so there was no need for those, "hey honey..." questions.  Honey passed in 2018, a week shy of election day, and it's no big wonder why who to vote for was simply not on my radar - never mind, it never really was.  Politicians are politicians.

It wasn't until about last summer that the upcoming election began to matter.  Basically, what woke me from a lifetime of political agnosticism was the downright hateful drivel coming from the boomer blogs.  These blogs, of course, are written by people who are around my age.  And yeah, i get it, not everybody cares to vote for the same guy.  That's okay, but the dern nasty rhetoric (of which liberals are so talented) all's that did was set off the alarm clock.

Gives new meaning to "woke."  

More like, restores a legit definition.  Yeah, that's another issue - how LIEberals get their cookies off by ripping off the language.  "Woke" can mean, freaky-people-need-to-grow-up-and-get-ta-work.  Speaking of...time to get ready.


  1. I haven't noticed that hateful drivel is exclusively a boomer blog thing. It is and was on the vast majority of blogs of every age group, Millennials included. Blogs are pretty much "mutual admiration societies" so they only attract people who think alike. Most of them toss you off if you have a diverse opinion. Male blogs are usually more tolerant, so they will get into shouting matches but not banish those who dare hold the opposing view. Women are generally better at bullying those who don't toe the party line.

    Most boomer women blogs are written by wealthy privileged types so they have zero knowledge of working class people.

  2. Dear Anonymous, what's scary is these raging jezebels are coming to power.
