A thought occured just a few moments ago, will the (popular) young man or woman - missing out on this passage to adulthood - 30 years down the road, still chase after those (virus stolen) glory days? Heart goes out to these kids, because the late teens (and early 20s) are the time to have some fun...before jobs and bills - and young children - and adult responsibilities, in general get in the way, and STAY in the way.
Yeah i know...have also heard more than enough pharisees sling their pseudo-pious statements concerning "kids these days" and the other classic "preoccupied with the world." Why is it, i can't help but to suspect covert gainsaying going on? From social flops, masking their long-time inabilities to get in with the fun, the "cool" people. Don't ya just hate that when people use ra-lid-jun!
One difference between the sheep and the goats is: the former harbor compassion toward people - young and old, saved and unsaved - who are missing out on social activities (graduations, weddings, baby showers, picnics, and even funerals). Concerning mainly the latter, just heard a sermon last night about people who die to worldly pursuits.
But some of these people - and some ARE actually sheep - don't take the next step; that is to live this new life in Christ. What happens by not taking that next step is: missing the old life, (chasing after) the old crowd, and resenting the people who get the invites, the stats.
Godda go - lunch is...uh way over.
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