Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dropping old habits, like a stone. Here's what happened about 10 years ago.

Maybe it was a few weeks after that certain spring day at work - 10 years ago (when i had done business with Christ, on His terms).  Anyway, was headed home from the dentist - something like that.  Was getting onto the highway and saw this really nice car - just another thing beyond my budget - and it was like scales dropping off my face.  First thing that popped into my mind was, "hope we're headed in the same direction. "  In short, it no longer mattered that everybody else on the road drives nicer stuff than i. 

Oh yeah, sometimes that old green scaley head fixes to get in my face - like a few months ago over at the bank, when that physically-fit old guy was bragging about the thousands he had in savings.  For sure, i stood there in line, getting more resentful by the second. Then that still small voice, "don't covet."   Ol' lizard head high-tailed out of there.

Church people talk about "freedom in Christ," and unsaved people are clueless.  Here's an example of what freedom in the Lord is about: is the Lord disgusted with me because i drive a clunker and hillbillied together my downspouts (because i don't have the money for new stuff)?  Correct me if i'm wrong, (missed a sunday in january - was out with the regular flu) but there's nowhere in the Bible, where the Lord looks down His nose at someone because he or she doesn't have the bucks to impress the neighbors and other drivers.

But the unsaved world will sure stick their big nose in people's financial business - every chance, and then some.  Funny how that works, eh!  Busstop ahead.

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