the cancer took that old hillbilly. Don't know, but he sure seemed interested in the preaching. Yeah i get it: bullies rarely come to a saving knowledge - meanwhile, the broad road is also crowded with non-bullies. Sure he was scared of dying. Duh?!?! Ten years ago, i was plain skeered of dying (outside of Christ), and i was healthy as a horse - and, per the Lord's grace, still am healthy. Anyway, call it a feeling, but for whatever it's worth, had the impression he believed the Word, on the Word's terms. So, there he was, possibly born again of the Holy Spirit - i can't say (above my PD) - but, i kept my distance.
Why? Because when a person becomes saved, he or she doesn't automatically overnight become nicey-nice helping-old-ladies-cross-the-street. It's not too uncommon for a for-real Christian to drop this or that - and maybe the other - old (sinful) habit like a stone. But other habits/reactions often stick around for awhile. Example: had read somewhere that it's about two years after conversation that the (spiritually young) believer begins to realize that he or she prefers being around his or her siblings in Christ. Sure, he or she may still get together with people of the old crowd, but it's not the same - there's noticeable distance. Makes sense.
Back to work.
Ps. Who the Lord chooses to save, or not save ... uh, i am atleast smart enough to avoid horning in on the King of kings' business.
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