Friday, April 24, 2020

Please see sidebar...been crunching numbers...sort of. In NYC, the population is around 12 milion, about 200 thousand have convir,

that's one urban dweller out of 60.  That's a 2% chance of getting it.  And in getting it, the chance of dying from it is under 5%.  Most people who get it, feel crappy for a few days.  Okay granted, convir can damage your health, and set you up for health problems down the road.  So can other illnesses.

Not having a job, and not having money to buy decent food and keep up with legit bills... uh, that can really mess with your health, BIGTIME!

And by the way, President Donald Trump is our President.  He is not a dictator, nor is he a sovereign king.  He is one man.  He's not diming out joe-th-janitor for jogging without a mask.

But that sort of noseyness is going on, and various politicians are encouraging neighborhood busybodies to dime out jogging joe / someone else simply going for a drive to see mountains and trees.

Am not a conspiracy theorist, but i think (for whatever that's worth) this "lock down" is a bit over the top.  Evidently,  i am not alone in thinking this way.

Please see sidebar. "Stay At Home Order..."  Like Pastor Cooley said in his sermon, "Where's this going to go?"

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