Thursday, April 2, 2020

Oops, churchian central didn't like my comment. All's i said was, two or three weeks

isn't sufficient time to determine if the wife can quit her job and stay home.  Many couples have enough in savings to get by for a few months on one income.   But things happen, as the savings dwindle...then POW!  Major repair time...and just before or after property taxes are due.  By the way, homeschooling parents have to pay school tax - just like other adults who have no children. 

Okay, the second short paragraph was a bit off-topic.  i have run into enough retIrees who - thought they could leave their jobs at 55 - had discovered, some 2 to 3 years down the road, they're short on funds.  Uh, funds for things like vehicle inspections - and the electric provider just raised their rates.  Which is probably why we see old people bagging groceries at 6 am on February mornings - claiming they're bored, and need something to do...yeah right ;/

Well, needless to say, the short comment won't see the light of day, anytime soon.  Neither, i gather, will the short comment i had just posted over there a few moments ago.  That is: wives have always worked.  Go back 200 years, and the workplace for BOTH husband and wife was the house/shop/farm. 

One of the women over there had been born with a brain, (guess that qualifies as a birth defect in churchian circles) and admitted that staying home, and homeschooling - and being around children 24/7/365 would drive her bats.  She has a science degree, and would surely miss adult conversation.

No wonder people want N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with church people or the Bible.  People are dying and going straight to hell - because, though they heard the Gospel, (atleast a few times) they equated becoming born again with becoming some sort of dumb-ars'd stepford droid.

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