Thursday, April 2, 2020

Well, that was a note of encouragement. A woman who used to belong to the same church i go to,

she and her husband had moved to Florida (uh, why? there's gators there).  Anyway, they OWN a big house, and had recently gone abroad for an entire month.  In short, they are living quite comfortably, thankyouverykindly.  Here's the encouragement, they both WORKED into their later 60s.  i think her husband retired at around 65 - health issues, and she kept on working until she was 67 or 68.  They're in their early 80s, and are doing fine.  She said she didn't want to run out of money.

Yay them :) 

i read at various churchian sites on the net, that basically, reasonable financial planning is worldly.  For what it's worth, i disagree bigtime!  For one thing, it was well-to-do people who had the space where the early church could meet, and distribute food/clothing to the needy.   Ya know, people who studied, worked, managed and planned their lives.  One of these SUCCESSFUL people was a woman named Lydia - she was a merchant of fine fabric.

What really ticks me off, are churchian couples, who come off quite proud of barely getting by on one income - and YOU should be like (so spritcchhuual) us.  Uh, no thanks - and cramming six kids in a trailer-sized house (in need of repair$) with one bathroom...gross.   Needless to ask, but will anyway, what if an unexpected expense comes up?  Oh yeah, i get it, hit up dad (who's got his own issues) or aunt sally.

It's like we're supposed to apologize for being AMERICANS, it's like we're supposed to be sorry that our grandfathers worked, saved, invented, invested and PROVIDED the high living standards we enjoy.  Uh. a resounding NO!  i will not apologize for staying in the workforce.  Frankly, i NEVER, EVER want to have to hit anyone up for money (and then wax all spIrtccchuul, how the Lord...bla, bla, bla). 

Yeah, i know, it's a pride issue.  Anyway, it's getting near 8 am, soon time for WORK.

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