Thursday, April 30, 2020

80% of divorces initiated by wives? mmkay, from which cereal box...? Come to think of it, if that percentage is reasonably

accurate, doesn't say much for the quality of leadership in these dissolving unions, does it?  Oh, how these churchians love to play with numbers - while glossing over, if not wresting, Scripture.  Sure, the Word starts out, on like page 2, putting the man in charge of the wife - Adam named Eve.  And then a few pages later, even the very animals boarding the ark, are described as the "male and his female."  So, it's a case closed on who leads, and who does not.

Women are humans.  And humans have the annoying habit of becoming fed up with crappy leadership.  In the business world, people up and quit (even decent paying)  jobs because of poor quality leadership - the head-games and such.  Btw, unless the situation is dire, quitting a job = no unemployment compensation.

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