Sunday, April 19, 2020

i used to wonder why there's not much evidence of dragons and humans living in the same areas at the same time.

Then one day i was reading somewhere in the Old Testament that dragons (t-rex and company) move into places where the people have moved out - something about abandoned palaces becoming a den of dragons and owls.  Lightbulb came on.   As far as "scientific" evidence is concerned, i trust the evolutionists about as far as i could pick up susie-t-rex and throw her.  There's been fake-evidence in the past...uh, would you trust your car to a mechanic who ripped off your neighbor five years ago, AND pulled a similar stunt on your boss a year or so later? 

Didn't think so.

Anyway, if i was susie-t-rex, think i'd want to live around people?  Oh yeah, bet children made fer yummy snacks.  But there was a problem.  Their daddys.  They like to hunt, and they really like to talk about it.  Men who slay big ferocious animals are a big hit with the ladies; they get the cheer-leader captains and the homecoming queens. 

If i was susie-t-rex, i'd head out to the sticks, settle for horses and deer - and maybe a bear...oh wait, that last one did a number on my tail. i swung it, real cool like, but that stench-breath'd beast landed right on it, and yikes, dug it's infected, what a mess.

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