Monday, April 27, 2020

i hate TV - which is why i don't have one. And don't want one, either. Back before '08, when the thing -

only seven years old - had died (didn't mourn it one bit) i remember previews to movies and such coming on, and the (not quite) covert taunting phrase "content may be inappropriate for sensitive viewers."  As if people who don't find brutality/sexual exploitation (same difference) entertaining are stupid/naive (basically, same difference). 

Excuse me, but feeding on the misery of others - at the hand of others, because they can (and get their cookies off) is not entertaining.   Yeah, i get it, the episode is fiction, but somewhere there's an abused someone who is stuck in that situation. 

About a week ago, i was watching one of those abandoned-house-explorers you-tubes.  And immediately afterward, came one of those previews to a violent video.  It was awful - and it was a clip from a children's cartoon.  Isn't it enough that the hollywood pervs are out to defile "mature" audiences?  Evidently's never enough with pervs, and never will be.

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