Sunday, April 19, 2020

White people are the preferred race? Really? Have a few questions about that. Number one: when all the world's people left off building.

that tower, (language issues) why is it that Japheth's people ended up in the northern lands?  It's cold up there - and around that time of the scattering, it was REALLY cold (ice sheets, those things move and crack).  You'd think the "superior" white people could have secured themselves warmer real estate.  But no, they ended up in places where it's around freezing, or below, like five or six months out of the year.  Some of the oriental people fared worse - like siberia or north canada. 

The white-supremacists quickly play the technology card - meanwhile, forgetting  the Biblical rule of first mention.  Yeah, guess which family line invented metal work?  Hint: it wasn't Seth's sons.  Can't help but to wonder if Seth's people were hillbillies, while Cain's were the sophisticated city folk - but had problems growing food.  Anyway...

Did white people come up with most the world's technology because they had to?  Meanwhile, in warm sunny africa, the men didn't have to invent saws to cut logs for cabins or logs to heat them six months out of twelve.  Huts worked just fine.  African ladies were spared the toil of sewing piles and piles of thick clothing - they just threw on a light frock (if that) and went about their business - of gathering fruits and roots.  And they didn't have to worry about frost trashing their orange groves.

So, why did the white people end up in the more labor-intensive places?  Did Japheth's people head for the summerlands, (like anyone with any sense would do) only to discover shortly after, Ham's people had beat 'em to the punch?  And so, someone had to move along. 

Is that what happened?

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