well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
About 6 or 7 years ago, at my old job, a soon-to-be retIree was fixated on the two brand-spankin-new travel-toys she had bought with her payout.
Cry me a river! Just read a post, where some mid60s someone was saying his marriage "fizzled." Guess he can't be that upset, because the very next sentence
he was all set on buying himself a pricey travel-toy and "dating with a vengence." That doesn't sound good, and what's even more pathetic is the multitude of older women desperate enough to fornicate with ... that.
Some years back, worked with a man whose wife wanted a divorce, then found out single life was nothing like LIEtime-teevee-for-women portrays it. Well, he didn't want her back - which is understandable, the trust being long gone. But still, godda wonder... This co-worker was running his mouth to his buddy, and here's basically what he was saying. Something about having gone on a date with a woman, and she being "nice" (yeah, i'll bet;/).
Here's the kicker: the date was "dutch treat." Oh that's no surprise...considering travel-toys and such are pricey, godda budget somehow. Neither would his expectation for a piece...
Monday, September 28, 2020
Covid. What a crock! Per the CDC, since January 2020, there have been 204,000 deaths. But guess what! The US population
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Sounds like something a saved person would say. Another blogger has just heard from her doctor, the news - which doesn't sound real good.
The tumor is back. Thing is, she is no spring chicken - it's one thing to undergo a major medical procedure at 30-something, and so another thing at (early) 60-something. What struck me most about her brief post on this, was the word she used to describe the tumor.
i'd be freaking the freak out!!! Even though the prognosis is, that it looks like the doctors will be able to fix it, for now. But they can't make it go away, and they can't make it stay away either.
Btw, just learned, a few days ago, from a sermon that when King Hezekiah was gravely ill, and about to die, he was freaking out. This man actively cared about the things of God - the lesson there being, that even saved folks (CEOs and data clerks) fear death.
But her word, "pesky," that threw me for a loop - in a good sense. My second thought was her husband and grown children - especially the grandkids. She is about my age, and her grandkids are likely still in elementary school - too young to lose a grandparent.
So, the lady will need lots of rest, and (shoe-leathered) prayer. Shoe-leather is not a works-to-be-saved thing, it's just ... ya know, talk is cheap.
But the comforting thing is seeing the difference between how saved people handle scary situations ("pesky") and how Bible-bashers handle theirs ("stumbling").
Btw, the blogger who used that word, and who has no time for the Lord, had a few days previous said - concerning the Word in general - "I'll be [derned] if" ... bla, bla, bla. Needless to say, the witchiepoo-commenting-crew was on a high-five fest. Then a few days later, "stumbling" is in the TITLE of her very next post.
Oh, that's scriptural - yikes.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Listened to a disturbing sermon last night. The preacher was saying that Christians are called to be "doormats."
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
This will be short. Ronnie is a lady who is dying AND having to deal with burnt air...the fires.
Read an interesting comment on another blog, the topic was about college and working up to a much coveted degree.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Feel kinda sorry for the man. Pushing 40, doesn't have much of a job history...(what's up with that?), making the big $12ish (if that) an hour,
and all it's gonna take for the place to get shut down for a few days, is for someone to either cough or sneeze. He lives in an apartment with other people - probably with similar gainLESS employment. Not alot of options, when you don't drive - car maintenance, and especially the in$ane insurance... Anyway, if thing$ aren't naggingly burdensome enough, he got the test results - for which he probably had to shell out money for. Well, those results came back. He has a preschool child.
Hhmm, what took baby-mutha so long to spring the little surprise? Guess things coulda been worse. She coulda waited another 10 years, and then ... KAPOW!!! And so silly question, if gals are gonna skank around, is too much like brain-work to take a certain pill each morning? Evidently ;/
This new format...inhales. So difficult, on a smart phone to go back and insert missing punctuation and/or incorrect spelling.
Can't find the cartoon...daggoneit, it would have made a great poster for
Halloween. Seriously, ghosts and witches are overrated. The cartoon was indeed scary. The caption read, "Sometimes we forget things." It shows an old man and woman riding their bikes on a biking trail, they, of course - being in proper lockstep - have the appropriate gear. But one thing is missing. From the neck down, to their sandals, they're both buck naked. Oh heaven help any young riders who happened that way...can ya spell mental/emotional trauma. Yikes ;/
Whoever drew the cartoon oughta buy some poster paper/card stock, and get printing. It's already mid-September. There's money to be made.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Just saw the coolest thing - right here in my back yard. There, in the thicket -
That natural hut was built by a Person, and that person is the Lord. That's His hut, for His critters, and i won't bother it.
Read a rather disturbing article that came out a few days ago on google.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Why the witchiepoo-crew got all in a snit. Here's why! And NO! Ain't shuttin' up, and ain't gone away!
To the one we are the savour of death unto death ; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?"
II Corinthians 2:15-16
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness ; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
I Corinthians 1:18
Friday, September 11, 2020
Before heading outside to do some yard-work, it's time for a quick thought-experiment. Here goes: if i didn't believe the Lord Jesus,
In a world where the Lord does not exist, and where evolution rules, uhm, old people are nuthin but redundant - unless you're very rich, but most people, like some 95% are not super-rich. Once the next generation, reaches adulthood, in an evolutionary civilization, the over 50 crowd has basically outlived their usefulness, and become a resource pit. Yeah, "useless eaters." That's evolution baby, that's where evolution goes.
Didn't read the comments on Ronnie's blog, because i know perfectly well,
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
The sound you just heard was me knocking the dirt off my feet. If those old has-beens (aw drats ;/ wanted to use my favorite word to describe old deluded women, but the Holy Spirit made me change it, anyway...) want to knash their dentures, oh well...nuthin i can do for (gushing) folks who choose the direction toward reprobate mindsets.
Yet it just continually amazes me, the hostility against the Lord is growing, significantly. Ya post two or three short Scriptures on somebody's blog, over a period of two or three MONTHS, and that makes you a "troll" - yikes, that's how narcs pervert things.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
MOReON "Cheetah" - of course the harpy's last point had to be blasphemous.
2 Peter 2:12
Wow, Blogger's pushing the tweet-like new format. While there's time...meanwhile, back at Boomer JuniorHigh...
Oh, Blogger is sure pushing the new tweet-sized format - just the latest dumbing down. But anyway, taking my break early to finish this post...
A couple of the comments equated single-hood with freedom to be a cheetah (i.e., act like a brute beast), and another piped in recommending another piece of fembot bull - The Art of Selfishness...typical ;/
So, what we're treated here too, is a buncha aged outs ... (godda be polite...oh, Lord, it's hard for this old "widow" lady to not wax real "bad-a[r]se" over this).
Bible says, in one of the New Testament letters that the old women are to teach the young. Well, fine freak lesson, any young gal will get on that blog. It's like encouraging women to ditch Larry - because he leaves his smelly socks in the livingroom...uh, he's a guy - guys do that.
But laying all quips aside. Divorcing for no legit reason will only lead to reproach. See it all the time. Sadly, so sadly, it's the divorced women whose husbands were anti-husbands all along (some marriages just aren't, never were, and best ended) who suffer reproach that they ought not.
Meanwhile, more than one or two of them old biddies (Holy Spirit dun made me use biddies, and not a certain other word - one I wanted to use...) over at new-agey central are going on like old and single is liberating, or whatever. Gaaag! More like LIE-berating. There's legions of old single women around, and that reality is tragic - and sometimes kinda creepy, so this old widow chooses to steer clear.
Denigration of motherhood. Was this program already playing in (post 1963) gradeschool? Simply asking, because
Then came the last one. He or she couldn't make the jump-up. Mom and sibs hung around outside for, maybe a half minute, if that. Then they took off. i remember the camera focused on that - now left behind - little bird, still trying to get out. And i remember, the darwinist sermon being proclaimed by the narrator - not the specific words.
What i do clearly remember, was being upset by the program. No, i didn't cry, but was greatly bothered by it - that was over a 1/2 century ago, and the image of that little abandoned bird is still in my memory. Tell me i was the only kid in that classroom who was bummed out at seeing that poor little bird left to die, alone and frightened!
Question i have, to this day, is, was that film really appropriate for children?
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
That gripping fear of death??? Uh, some call it conviction of sin before The Holy Lord, and oh yeah, i'll bet the schrommies
Death...HATE IT!!!
At another site, a certain pastor whose "lectures" (he had been a public school math/science teacher back in the day) raises A LOT more questions than answers - that's because he wants his listeners to study the Word on their own, not be spiritual sloths. Well anyway, am enjoying his "lectures" while there's time. You see, the man has a heart condition, the kind that gets worse. He's in his late 60s or early 70s, and he knows he won't be around for very long - maybe he"ll last a few more years, maybe not.
But he believes the Word - not the deceptions of schrommies/new-agey rubbish.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Shape-shift? Maybe not, but then again... At church, there was short-Marine - he was really old, like 80-something. Anyway, he had a 50-something daughter,
A year or so later, she again brought her short Marine daddy to church. Yeah, the same person, though hard to believe. She looked entirely different - and the way she jumped all over her daddy, over nothing really (okay, a tiny piece of cake, the old guy - with one foot on a banana peel to begin with, enjoying a two square-inch slice of cake). Well, her words and actions were uglier than the deep scowl on her face. We were all taken aback.
Found out not to much later that she was actively hostile to the things of the Lord. Still, that turn of events was creepy - like a two-framed, before and after, shape-shift.
Shoulda known, that out of several tens of thousands of sermons, the search engine would bring up ONE - yep, one - sermon citing Jeremiah 12:6. And that's just the half of it! Yep, glossed over.
A certain Godly man - in his 60s - was upset and couldn't hold it in any longer. His family had been head-gaming him big-time, for quite sometime. Well - no shock - the congregation at his church, more or less, swept it under the rug. That was like five or six years ago. About a year ago, he developed neurological problems - 60-something's too young for that ... especially for a man who spent his life working outside, eating nutritious foods and having no parts of booze or dope.
Oh, not the first cry for ... just for some blessed validation, (like some empathy is asking too much??) has gone largely (to say the least) ignored. And it don't look like it's gonna be the last time either.
Just so disgusted at a certain post. Yeah, the author means well. But what she was saying, and the Scripture she shared (which would bring up atleast 1000 sermons) is one which is frequently wrested in a power-game.
Well, i expect that comment to get deleted, quicktime. Came off a bit feminist...well excuse me for
Ya know, Scriptures which teach all people, detailing how subtle evil is, and what signs to look for, and how to avoid, or just plain get away from the wolves. On a pastor's blog - and he uses an esv (i don't get it, but looked it up in the KJB, cause that's the only Bible i trust, but anyway...WOW-WE!!!
"For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father, even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, though they speak fair words unto thee."
Jeremiah 12:6
Woah! How come we don't hear that Scripture preached? Uh, could it be a direct reflect upon the Biblical disregard going on in overwhelmingly most churches these days? Or does this outright dumbing down the flock go way beyond mental sloth? All the way to "they with feigned words making merchandise of you." Yeah, II Peter 2:3 is yet another Scripture that gets glossed over. Funny, how that happens, huh!
So, even lost people know that deceivers are really good actors and actresses. So, does it not stand to reason that just because a woman is all smiley and quiet, dosen't necessarily make her trustworthy? Sometimes it's just a mask for "hey, i just plain don't give a rat's rear about YOU, or anyone else for that matter." Just her sweet, never-a-peep self is all that counts.
Don't know about you all, but those quiet ones (who never show emotions) give me the willies.
Monday, September 7, 2020
Answered prayer. A few years ago, i prayed that somewhere, some young enterprising women
Speaking of sewing tips, mom told me the reason why wool garments are lined is because the lining preserves the outer garment. Well, that got me to thinking (yeah, i know, being a Christian, i'm supposed to have put my brain out with the trash, but anyway...) it occurred to me, that the reason my cotton dresses (can't afford fine wool) are still wearable (though faded and rather threadbare, from much wearing) after some 10-12 years is, because of the "linings," aka cotton slips.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Christians are anti-knowledge? Hear the Bible-bashers tell, people should be able to explore any realm of knowledge they choose. Well, that line of logic,
Some things within, and outside of, this universe, we don't need to know.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Just saw on another blog : Canada (oh, go figure ;/) is beginning to legalize psyco-drugs for the dying.
Uhm, could it be the fear and anxiety felt by unredeemed (by Christ) people are point blank being called by the Holy Spirit to acknowledge they're sinners before the Lord, who is just, holy, and perfect, and to plead forgiveness for sin - uhm, because just one sin is enough to send you to hell, forever.
But nnnooooo, the demonic handlers of the all smiles set don't want dying people to come to grips with their perilous state.
Godda get back to work.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Not wanting to jump to conclusions, i listened to - so far - two more of Rev's sermons.
While the Rev title comes off pretentious ...what's wrong with just plain old no frills "Pastor?
But anyway, needed to hear that sermon, because now i've Scriptural basis for an account of a preacher who had been at the sick/death beds of more than a few saints. Not all of them were happy-clappy, praisey-maisey. Some were skeered!
When someone attaches the Rev title to his (or yikes her) name, that in itself raises a red flag.
Surely Jeremiah knew the Scriptures. Surely he knew that Esau was hated by the Lord, from the foundation of the world - before Esau even thought about having a nice warm bowl of soup. Am no Bible scholar, but even i know that Jeremiah wept. And so did the Lord Jesus.
So, what's up with that Rev anyway? Am nobody's judge, not going there. It's just the preacher's tone that's has my head rattled - stony smug evolutionists, call your office.
Two witnesses : the birdie-birds of the air and the critters of the field.
Job 38:41
The beasts of the field cry also unto thee : for the rivers are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness.
Joel 1:20