Wednesday, September 9, 2020

That gripping fear of death??? Uh, some call it conviction of sin before The Holy Lord, and oh yeah, i'll bet the schrommies

silenced the Holy Spirit's (perhaps) last call to repentance.  Schrommies are pharma - that's sorcery, that's opening the portal to, hey guys, come on in, let's parrtay.  Well anyway, the post - on that blog - deals with children's books concerning death - non-religious...of ccooouuuurrrsssee (!  And if i read (or worse, hear), one more time, how death has become a companion, think i'll toss my lunch against the wall...buncha new-agey claptrap ;/  Talk about false friends and ponzi  schemes - but this one isn't about a few grand that ya really don't have.  Immortal souls' eternal destiny.  Companion, my foot.

Death...HATE IT!!!

At another site, a certain pastor whose "lectures" (he had been a public school math/science teacher back in the day) raises A LOT more questions than answers - that's because he wants his listeners to study the Word on their own, not be spiritual sloths.  Well anyway, am enjoying his "lectures" while there's time.  You see, the man has a heart condition, the kind that gets worse.  He's in his late 60s or early 70s, and he knows he won't be around for very long - maybe he"ll last a few more years, maybe not.

But he believes the Word - not the deceptions of schrommies/new-agey rubbish.

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