Wednesday, September 30, 2020

About 6 or 7 years ago, at my old job, a soon-to-be retIree was fixated on the two brand-spankin-new travel-toys she had bought with her payout.

Guess, each to their own, but i will never forget the wise old man who sat across from my husband and i.  Somehow, the subject of retIrement came up.  The old man (he must have been 80-something) said not to retire too early, because alot of people think they have the money, then a few years later...too late!   (Then there's the joy of trudging out to the grocery store at 7am, on a sleeting February morning, to bag groceries for old biddies who want their stuff double bagged and bagged just ever so.)

Anyway, the travel-toy lady did not appreciate having received a Scripture on one of the cards she had received.   Looking back, i wonder what the Scripture was.  Have no idea, just overheard what sounded like a dismissive comment.  No surprise ;/ 

Seriously, what's up with boomers?  Thinking that 55 (or 60...whatever) is the new 30-something... i guess to go out joyriding, with the rock-and-roll museech a blaring (and a box of Depends in the back seat - that was a commercial which ran a few years back - ugh!).  

Just want/ed to run, scream, and toss lunch - simultaneously.

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