Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Just saw on another blog : Canada (oh, go figure ;/) is beginning to legalize psyco-drugs for the dying.

Pain relief is one thing.  There you are, with stage 4 whatever - and it HURTS.  Can't concentrate, can't communicate, can't pray, can't read, can't nuthin!  But dope??  Why?  So the unsaved dying person can go into an eternal hell with a smile on his or her face - that's why!

Uhm, could it be the fear and anxiety felt by unredeemed (by Christ) people are point blank being called by the Holy Spirit to acknowledge they're sinners before the Lord, who is just, holy, and perfect, and to plead forgiveness for sin - uhm, because just one sin is enough to send you to hell, forever.

But nnnooooo, the demonic handlers of the  all smiles set don't want dying people to come to grips with their perilous state.

Godda get back to work.


  1. Have you ever been sick and in pain and in bed, near death? Ever been in so much pain, you hope you would die? So Christians are now against pain killers? Why do Christians support suffering now? Oh and it includes screaming and throwing up if the pain is bad enough. Some people become numb. Some deathbed scene of praying peacefully is not going to happen then. As for sin, why is your God so butthurt about it, and wanting people to suffer as much as possible?

  2. So many women do a 180 at menopause, so slappers in their youth become rabid Bible thumpers. I was sitting at the bedside of my neighbour while she starved and dehydrated to death in so-called palliative care. The Bible thumpers were coming into the death-ward, like a pestilence that had to be continually shewed away.

    Lucky to live in Canada where I can choose medical aid in dying now in early Alzheimer's and not dump on low-status women. I don't think spending huge gobs of taxpayer's money on keeping me alive to the bitter end is a good thing but then I'm not a selfish Bible thumper. It's always the Christians who want, want, want life to remain to the bitter end regardless of the cost.
