having been born with (well, half) a brain and a sturdy spine. Have to strongly suspect, being there's more than a few salvation-by-works cults out there - and here's the real insidious part: some are KJB only, but yikes, into these groups "certain men crept in unawares." They're running on certain Scriptures which they wrest ever so slightly, but well enough to fit their agenda, while glossing over a multitude of other Scriptures.
Ya know, Scriptures which teach all people, detailing how subtle evil is, and what signs to look for, and how to avoid, or just plain get away from the wolves. On a pastor's blog - and he uses an esv (i don't get it, but looked it up in the KJB, cause that's the only Bible i trust, but anyway...WOW-WE!!!
"For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father, even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, though they speak fair words unto thee."
Jeremiah 12:6
Woah! How come we don't hear that Scripture preached? Uh, could it be a direct reflect upon the Biblical disregard going on in overwhelmingly most churches these days? Or does this outright dumbing down the flock go way beyond mental sloth? All the way to "they with feigned words making merchandise of you." Yeah, II Peter 2:3 is yet another Scripture that gets glossed over. Funny, how that happens, huh!
So, even lost people know that deceivers are really good actors and actresses. So, does it not stand to reason that just because a woman is all smiley and quiet, dosen't necessarily make her trustworthy? Sometimes it's just a mask for "hey, i just plain don't give a rat's rear about YOU, or anyone else for that matter." Just her sweet, never-a-peep self is all that counts.
Don't know about you all, but those quiet ones (who never show emotions) give me the willies.
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