Friday, July 30, 2021

"Oh, we got ridda that..." That was an acquaintance's answer to a question. She talks about her (ahemm) church. Yep, one of those, where Jesus is basically

a cartoon - a flat jesus, to take to (of all places) disney world.   Predictably, her rather-mega church does not mention the reality of what comes after, eternally, for people who don't accept Jesus Christ as Lord.  "God is a god of lllovve."  Sounds so new-agey...well, one good thing about covid, so far, they haven't yet (to the best of my knowledge) rented out one of there spacious rooms to a yoga class.  But, wouldn't be too suprised ... the expansion project, am told, will cost a few million.

Okay, the question.  Asked the lady what Bible is used (during the typical 15-minute sermonette).   She didn't know (say whatt?).  So, asked her if it was the niv, esv,  rsv.  Nope, she didn't know.  King James?   Well, for sure, the lady knew the bible used, certainly was not the KJB.  And that's when she said, "we got ridda that." 

Not surprised.


  1. Dear Peeps, i'm not comfortable with the Johnny-come-latelys. The regular King James has worked for a good 300 years or so, why change it ... for (ugh!) westcott and horte, and such like!

    1. When I was a hard core fundamentalist, I owned a pile of bibles and even compared a long list of verses, the KJV read the most "right" while the others all seemed to have agendas. The Catholic bibles I owned censored so much right out, that alone was a wake up call.
