Preachers sermons are being monitored. While most preachers ... aren't really - ask Jeremiah about the fancy-pantsey preachers of his day - uh, he's in the Bible, and that book is timeless. One fakeoid preacher actually had said that the reason he doesn't mention sin is, because he doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelwings. Yeah right ;/ We all know, he doesn't want to so much as pin-prick his bottom line.
It's the real preachers, who (can barely keep the lights burning) preach from the unchanging Bible (can ya spell regular King James :) who could end up in some serious dutch. Uhm, last i checked, preachers do not force people to listen to their sermons. Last i checked, there is no law (on man's books) telling us that we must attend any church. As for street-preachers, (boy, are they getting scarce :( you can always walk away.
Oh that's right, street preachers are noisy. Well guess what! The absolute CRAP!!! they play in about every store, may not be overly loud, but is offensive enough - thankyoukindly. Even walking to the busstop, during rush-hour, is a real treat ... turn that vile grunting up bit louder - they can't hear you in cambria county.
But nobody is forcing me, or anyone else, to buy their band-aids at that drugstore, or drive in traffic with the windows down. So, it only stands to reason, that if the preacher is, per the Scriptures, calling sexual weirdness for what it is - an abomination - the people doing the weirdness (and their lackeys) don't have to stick around and listen.
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