Saturday, July 31, 2021

If ya don't just lemming up for the vax, you're selfish. Yeah, whatever.

That bit of guilt-tripping - and this is almost funny - comes from Boomers - my generation...ya know, the same people who, last summer (and still, this summer) relentlessly chided the young people for throwing parties.  Oh, that one's easy enough to harp non-stop - yeah...while my generation could talk young ears off about their (supposed) woodstock days.  In other words, us old people have had our good times, and really don't seem to give a rip about the good times of others...the covid-cancelled proms, grad parties, or just plain going to the beach for the weekend with about ten friends.

It as if my generation has forgotten what it feels like to be young and vibrant.  Or is it actually, the chidey-heidies haven't forgotten, and they're just plain jealous of men and women who are still quite attractive to the opposite sex.  Hhmm, is that the real issue ;)

All's i know is, my generation had come to power over the last 20 to 30 years.  And such changes.   Corporations, led by Boomers - playing and winning the stock market - closed down factory after factory, and decided there's waay more money to be made, when your (Chinese) workforce is forced to work long hours, in cramped conditions, for wages that barely - if that - afford decent food, and clean clothing.  

And yer selfish for not getting a vax - which, if ya did get the vax, you might have to (take time off WORK) to go re-get, and go re-get again.  But that's not boomer-heidie's problem.  She's retired, and living quite well off those stocks dividends; she doesn't have to (hmmph) deal with (nose-in-air) employers (smug grin).  Oh yeah, saw such a comment on some (new-agey arse) boomer blog.

Funny - nott - it's usually women running  this judgy bs...buncha harridans :/


  1. Remember that book where I talked about boomers being the most sociopathic generation?

    Looks like that book was correct. This isn't to say every boomer is bad, but there's enough sociopaths among their lot to have brought what is coming to past.

    The young forever mantra has produced old people with no wisdom or care for the young--the selfish "me" generation.

    I am surrounded by wealthy affluent boomers, who practically ran for their clot shots. I suppose when you have lives that followed the script, you don't imagine disasters or betrayal, you live in a world of fantasy where things like WWII or the Holocaust never could happen again, as they cheer and call for more authoritarianism. Sadly they have taken too many of the young along with them. See some of what I am posting lately.

  2. Dear Peeps, the "young forevers" know they're going to die soon, and they're terrified. A cornered beast will bite.

    1. You are right Sue, I hate to say this but why there are some good boomers, the generation has led us into total ruination. What is being done to young people now with this v, horrifies me. The "We are going to live forever" clan is destroying the world as they shuffle off this mortal coil. I used to write ominious stuff about boomers on my blog, even wrote once, around 8 years ago, "they will never let go", some said I was being unfair, I have to say every generation has good and bad people in it but boomers have enough bad, to now endanger humanity as a whole and destroy our freedom.
