Sunday, July 11, 2021

Been noticing a trend here of late over at boomer-land - and it, well, is a bit unnerving. Posts which actually say something ....

that is, something besides the typical pet (yawn) topics, are becoming fewer.  But that's only the half of it: the other half is, comments on those posts (the ones that actually say something) have become even fewer yet.  Can't help but to suspect that people - even fellow liberals (who love Biden, Harris, ROC...and the rest of the coven) are afraid to express even an agreeable opinion; afraid that somehow their opinions will be misinterpreted.  Ya know, a one-issue thing...for example: you can be in total lockstep, but one misstep, in the form of, let's say, the very notion that an eight year old should have "his" or "her" parents consent before going for counseling or surgery.   That's about enough to get kicked out of the cliche - but i think it goes beyond that.

You see, many of the (bragging) boomers went to college.  Back in the 60s, history was still taught.  And yeah, we all know who wrote history - the winners, the patriarchy.  Oh never mind, per (social) evolution - which about everybody worships - there's a reason why some groups win, and others don't.  Anyway, back in those bad old patriarchy days, there were balding professors who still taught the young adults on the various activities which brought about Rome's downfall.  Seriously, the germanic hordes were a bunch of unorganized painted yahoos - while mighty  Rome's legions fought as one man.  

Yes, various causes.  A society that uses slaves to get the work done, is obviously too dern lazy and cheapskate to either farm the field, or the salt mine themselves, or HIRE ( at decent wages - uhm, Bible!) some young strong bucks to bring in the harvest.   By the way, in Jeremiah's time, the people had devolved like the pagans around them - ya know, ripping off the poor and stuff like that.  Well guess what!  The Lord judges, and He sent in the Babylonians (a mean bunch).

Anyway, the students learned, not only ancient history, but recent history as well.  While certain practices, perhaps were not much discussed, (by that time, classes were co-ed, and to discuss certain sexual practices was ... awkward) but still, in college, students, back then, were expected to actually do research, at the library, on their papers, and actually cite references.  So, that means, any half-studious student was bound to come across some bizarro things that didn't get much discussed. Well, anyone with any brains can add 2 and 2; and - that is, if not given over to a reprobate mind - is likely to conclude, well no wonder those civilizations fell.

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