Familys are different these days - changeable as a homecoming queen's wardrobe. And it's not just with whom young people are currently playing house. The ooolld memories may sit in a box, among other boxes, because there's hardly any display space - and who has time, or desire, for the extra dusting around. And anyway, uncle Bob's father-in-law ... well, all that has nothing to do with grandgirl's current live in; so, the stuff remains where it is - in a box behind a duffle-bag, that's heavy, (of course) and full of ... ugh, do you even want to bother finding out :/
Like what passes for family these days, jobs are also known to evapoate quick as well - while the rent does not. So, there you are: bunkie has about had it with carrying your half; it's been several months - and UC isn't as much as people claim it is. You have to find other - smaller - living arrangements.
Had left a brief comment at that blog - basically said, that family memorabilia, being passed on and appreciated is one of patriarchy's benefits. Well, needless to say, that comment didn't get posted. Yeah, whatever. Godda love liEberals, they talk about speaking out, and you doing you ... uh-huh.