Friday, December 30, 2022

Red-pills bring up the "wall," standard because they can't stand the fact,

that men also have to deal with unfaIr standards - what's fair??  That was in mid-October, weather was perfect, turnout was great :)  Anyway, we all know that men prefer younger, and slimmer, women, who haven't been around the block ... uh, well, too many times.  Red-pills take that option, and run fast.  Too fast, because they're quick to forget, exercising that option (getting the pretty girl) comes with a price - Work.  Oh, and also hitting the gym.  Those hot young doubleDs aren't so into spare tires - well, wait a sec, if mr.mitchellin is a big enough wheel...

Red-pills can't stand being ordinary, can't stand having to get up and go work an ordinary job - and having to put up with taking orders...ya know, the boss is a complete jerk... has this 8-not-a-minute-late obsession - who the eff does he (or she) think he is!  And, if all that's not enough, red-pills can't stand that their dating options are...well, usually the plainer-janers.  Date last night, didn't pan out so well, eh?   Took her to burger-planet, even paid for her meal - WITH fries - and then princess-B-cup said something about 6am coming early.  In short, she didn't put out - that was $15 wasted, bruh!

Well, dude, weren't you just up most the night, on the pill-forums, going on about wanting to date nice girls?  Uhm, that's what nice girls do - they're in bed ... alone, by 10 on weeknights.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Gleefull gloom n doom, from the red-pill. Ya know, when the power goes out. Meanwhile the juice is

is on-line, just fine.  And you'd think that peewee could take a few minutes to atleast look at the leaky faucet, and maybe, fix it...ya know, the one, which wifey had politely asked - actually about frakking begged - him to fix it ... last AUGUST!!   It's almost January.  By the way, wifey works full time at her job, and then full time at home.  Sometimes, but not often, she is able to get a wholloping six hours of sleep - wow we ;/

Anyway, with the electric and water working fine, why do things like leaky faucets, low air in the left rear tire, the laundry-room shelf that needs put right (it leans)...why do these simple projects go ignored, for months - if not years?  Do you think these same peewees would suddenly wax mad max (whadda hunk, whadda hero :):) when the power goes permanently out?  If "road warrior" becomes reality, oh yeah, women will be in for a world of hurt - and so will about 90% of men.  

Oh, and by the way, back in canaanite times, when war-lords ruled, guess what defeated soldiers were known to endure, before being killed - or just left to the buzzards?  Defeated soldiers were flipped over and gRaped by the victors.  King Saul, defeated in battle,  took his life, because he KNEW the philistines would "abuse" him.

Be careful what ya wish for, red-pills/pencil-necked basement boys.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Back when the internet was new, was reading books. One of the books dealt with neanderthal man.

Life being rough, the men hunted mostly horse and deer.  Those big aurochs...ugh, the men's hro wasn't, evidently, the greatest - guess bringing down one of those was a special occasion impressing some honey's dad.  Anyway, the scientist who had written the book - and some other scientist - had noted, while there were children's graves, and those of men, there was a notable shortage of women's graves.  These scientists hypothesized that women weren't cared much about - because how folks treat their dead, is a reflection on how those dead people were regarded, while alive.

In addition, there was speculation that the two genders basically lived apart.  That could explain the lack of women's graves.  The gender and approximate age of the children wasn't given - i'd of honed in on that.  Anyway, the women and children - as in some primitive tribes, the boys go to learn manhood stuff, at around eight or nine - left to fend for themselves...uhm, probably many of them and their daughters and small boys, probably became some lion's or wolf-pack's lunch - so, nothing left to bury.  And even if a head or foot was found in the brush, the other women were probably too starved, and just plain too dog-tired, to bother.  Uhm, when yer longtime despised, and told over and over and ... rinse and frakking repeat, that you are good for nothing, ugly, stupid, worthless ... can ya spell brainwashing?

A few years later, in a science mag (i shoulda swiped it off the dentist office waiting room table) was an article about a population of pre-indians who lived in central america.  The men were noticeably bigger, healthier, and lived about twice as long as the women.  The women's remains showed signs of malnutrition and abuse.  These indians lived anout five thousand years ago.

The Flood, per Genesis, happened about 4.5 thousand years ago.

Have heard well-educated men claim, that when the flood hit, some 4,500 years ago, the population was

likely in the billions - about like today.  While i have about no education beyond high school, do have cause to question the billions hypothesis.  When you look at both the decline of both greek and roman civilizations, you see a population decline.  War, famine, sickness, poverty are the causes.  Yeah, and we know what causes that - people would rather play rough, than do the adult thing (i.e., bring up Godly children, help poor people to help themselves).  Romans 1 reminds us, that you'll know when things are turning nasty - when even the women...

Well here we are, on the brink of 2023, and the stats are reading, MANY nations are below the 2.2 replacement level.  Yes, there are a few that are at 3.0 and above - places where war, disease and poverty are rampant.   Why the pop decline?  Because women are fed up with men's two-faced tyranny.  The Lord told Eve "...and he shall rule over you."   

A modern day peasants' revolt :)

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Sharon is 23, she stands about 5'5" and weighd about 130. Not fat, not skinny.

Per a stat from about 30 years ago, the average weight gain of a married woman is about 10 pounds - as a wife, she cooks - even if she's not hungry.  Okay, so she loses the weight. Two years later 5 pounds creeps back.  Sharon is now 25 and weighs 135.  She continues to battle against the other five pounds - loses two, gains back one, loses 3, gains two...ugh.   Another two years pass, her weight is 133.  

The strip reads a positive.  A few months after the baby is born, she is able to work off 10 of the 20 pounds she had gained.  She is 27 and weighs 145.  Three years later, a few months after the birth of the couple's second child, she's able to get back to the gym, and is being successful at keeping off 15 of the 25 pounds she had gained.  Sharon is 30 and weighs 155 pounds; she is still battling. 

Years pass.  Sharon is 40.  Still battling, and cooking, even when not hungry.  But boy-howdy, it's like she can't cook enough ... where do kids put it all?  She managed to get back into her favorite jeans, and is quite happy.  She weighs 150, and hopes to atleast lose ten more.  An even more intense battle, like rolling a rock up an incline.  But she wages on.

Sharon is 60.  While the heat flashes were few, and the mood swings even fewer, boy did the change of life affect her metabolism.  Still hitting the gym, Sharon weighs 160.  Those favorite jeans have long been deposited into the goodwill box.

She started out at 130, and is now at 160.  This happens to women.  We gals are prone to weight gain.   It's called life in the real world.  Even to women who put in the work to keep their weight under control.  Please note, she gained 30 pounds over the last 35ish years.  Not 80.  

Friday, December 23, 2022

Biological imperatives - why is the man's(?) bio lust to screw around more important than the woman's bio need for security.

cHads sweettalk side chicks, who become baby-moms - just what we all need: more fatherLESS children.  Meanwhile, women's compelling need for a man's provisioning/problem solving (i.e., fix the roof!) is very legit; women have babies, and babies are very dependent.  In fact, the very workplace has had to make changes in order to accommodate the legions of women (farmed out or thrown out, by their ... huh! "men").  Of course, the childfree gals are beefing, because they're supposedly getting stuck working overtime - well, welcome to the village; hillary clinton was right about that one.  

Women's biological imperative for security isn't the fancy stuff.  Security is just plain old adult responsibility...ya know, the trees trimmed... uhm, so high winds don't become a stress-drama.  Oh yeah, and the spouting be secure...uhm, so the basement stays dry - because, boy-howdy, they're calling for one sloppy wintry mix.  And decent windows - ones that keep the sub-freezing outside.  By the way, the mailbox is standing wonky ... for the last three years - when's that going to be put right.  We've already discussed the slow drain/s.  THIS is the kind of stuff, women "NAG" about - stuff that should have been fixed from the get-go.

Why doesn't wifey fix it?  Well, between her two full-time jobs, she neither has the time to learn the skills in doing MAN'S job, nor has she the energy to do those things.  Uh, okay, let's be real here - wifey is too much of a scardy-cat to climb ladders, with tools in tow.  And forget about her fixing that one - no wait, two - electrical outlets, that are ... well, loose or something; either way, would save alot of hassle, for everyone, if they could be trusted.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Older women and poverty? Another financial analyst had some stats about gender, and being unprepared

for retIrement.  Forty seven percent of men have no savings/would be hard pressed to come up with 1k to handle an unexpected expense.  For women, the stat is fifty three percent.  Needful to say, the longer you live into old age ...  Could men's shorter lifespans have anything to do with not getting med checkups?  Could old women's money issues have anything to do with medical bills?  (Dad told me, back in the 90s - when he staffed the phone for a collection agency - the number one reason for late bills, was medical expenses.  i thought it was shopping or vacas.)

The broadcast would likely bust some peewee-o'sphere bubbles.  Over there, the pron-soaked wankers, in a loud shrill tone, are getting off, at the idea of homeless post "wall" women.  Oh, by the way, on the cover of a recent veteran's magazine, is pictured a homeless female veteran.  Now, we know that manly men come back from battle, with alot of issues.  Well...duh?  She had served in battle, came back with, evidently, a whole lot of things she didn't want to recall; she then had been smacked around by this or that boyfriend - or two.  Have to wonder, how close to battle did BOYfriend/s get?  "Call of Duty" video game, anyone?

Anyway, as for post "wall" poverty, talk to the woman who is working some 60 hours per week - her full-time being physically demanding.  She is working all those hours - at the sacrifice of a for-real home-life - in order to fund her son's college education.  Uh, as for the young man's dad?  Yep, you guessed it: not. a. dime.

Oh, so want to call more bs - oh, so want to go for the juggler, babah.  So past time to get offa blog-land, and read some Scripture.  Really need to, yikes.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Back in bad old days, when the wedding vow included that scary, scary four-letter word

yikes, for the bride, beginning with an "O."  Well guess what else was in the vow?  Didn't know this, until having listened to two separate Dave Ramsey broadcasts.  But anyway, the husband vows to share/bestow all his worldly goods.   In other words, while the bride promises to obey the groom; he promises to provide for her - and not hold back for his ba$$ boat, fi$hing rod, football season pass (for one) ... while wifey gets stuck wearing second-hand clothing.  Nope, that vow means, buy the gal some decent duds, and give her enough household money; and if he can't afford two tickets to vaca wherever, then he also stays home. Hear the red-pills spew, the very first thing on their minds is hording their marble$.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Well, that was almost funny - some divorced dude giving out marital advice. Per an earlier video, he (?) was going on about half his income going

for child support.  Half, because the normal third goes to support a father's children by one mother; evidently, if a guy goes out horndogging, and gets another gal pregnant...  In these misog videos, there is one theme; these punks want free nookie - that's all there is to it.  They want their wife/ girlfriend to work full-time, do most - if not all - the housework and childcare, the grocery shopping, child chauffeur service, and cook a nice hot dinner.  Oh, and after all that, she is supposed be more than eager to get out the knee-pads (i.e., a slow hummer).  Okay, i just love to scorn and mock weirdo s3x - that really isn't; s3x is about the potential of making little people - otherwise, it's...ew. gross! 

The second...well, actually directly related to the first is:  these guys(?) are way more concerned about their precious money.  Cheapskates.  The lot of 'em!  Just plain stingy...over a $25 dinner at the local diner...says all that's needed about a person.  Saw a sensible post, on another video, presented by a real man; he said that if a man isn't willing to provide/protect a gal he is dating, he will likely not care to do the same for his future wife.

And no, it is so NOT alright for a gal to run through a guy's money... bad sign.  Dude, drop that... like hot metal.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Wanted to read the article that came in the feed, but ya have to pay.

Uhm, no!  But can guess.  Title read, that the government of Thailand is fixing to make fornication illegal.  Don't know how that's going to pan out, but i think they're concerned about the growing number of s3x-tourism.  Think they're attempting to protect their young women from luzers, coming over from the us, and probably other "1st world" nations.  Sounds like a good move, because if guys can't make it WORK with their own women, why should they regard the women of another nation, any better?  Developing nations have enough of their own troubles; they don't need gangs of fatherless kids roaming their streets, defacing their buildings.

Workshy gangs.  This is not a scowl on single moms.  Fact is: raising children is tough enough on two parents, let alone one.  While single dads are known to score free babysitting, single moms don't have that option.  Mom, already stressed, financially, has to pay, and will pay more if she's 10-minutes late getting off work.  From there, to her housework second-shift, she's just plain dog-tired - and feels exactly that.

What?  Through all that, you expect her to wax June Cleaver?

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The misog community goes on about men over 50 having no problem scoring.

Really?  Will have google that one.  Though, think i read, things start slowing down around in the 40s.  And so yeah, there's going to be problems.  Becky is 23, and she's gorgeous, and energetic.  And yeah, i get it: it's only Wednesday, and you have work tomorrow.  Uhm, so does she.  But, it's an age thing - being out till half past eleven, is one thing, for a 20-something.  And another, for a 50-something.  And besides that, why shouldn't the girl be able to have some fun on the disco-floor?  It's not like there's a ring on her finger.  And it's not like she has forever, either.  

Yeah, funny how things like rings, and a date (to get with the preacher) are known to settle things down.  But nnnoooohoho, you're not into, that "piece of paper" - but ya shure were, when ya bought that snow-blower last fall.  And we're not even going to talk about the sports car.

Anyway, the telltale flinging back of blond tresses and the half-stomp of stilettos toward a neighboring room, is hardly a half-subtle message, nor one undelivered to your ear.  And yeah, she's pouting.  Of course she's being childish.  She's 23, you idiot.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Being the Christmas season, had decided to turn on the radio, thinking i might be able to listen

to some glorious Christmas music.  Silly me.  Was nothing was the usual worldling rubbish.  Want REAL music on the radio?  Godda pay for that.  Something like $10, maybe $20 a month.  Just another bill, and they want the payments made via credit card - of ccouussse they do :/  thi$ and that...shiola adds up real quick.  Uhm, know a woman who's into all that - about my age, don't know how she is going to figure retirement.  Suffice to say, a history there - of going shopping, va-ca'ing and such.  

Which causes me to ponder, per a stat.  More than once, have heard the gleeful thrills, coming from the so-called, nanosphere (HA! anything but, but anyway...) They were going on about post-"wall" women being broke (and boy, are they getting their pebbles off, anticipating the coming economic winter, anyway...) while buying some 70% of things.  Uhm, yeah!  Been to a store lately?  It's usually women shopping for groceries, kid's clothing, printer ink ... oh yeah, and hefting two bags of rocksalt, before heading home ... to start her second-shift.  And she's overweight, grouchy - and is, habitually, less than excited over being a mere oral one-sided.  Uhm, nothing like, "And Adam knew Eve his wife;" (Genesis 4:1a) not even close.

Anyway, as for music, i'll wait.  Bible indicates, that the music in Heaven is really, really beautiful - talkabout "surround sound."

Shift about to start.  Bye.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

She had to be about the 4th or 5th post "wall" "female", who had briefed of her past

experience, at the hands of an abusive boyfriend or husband.  Ya know, hitting, cheating, isolation, ongoing theft (financial abuse)... Anyway, the woman, being now 50-something, gets off work, and comes home to a neat peaceful space, and enjoys the company of her cat/s.   Am i seeing a trend here?  

Well, one thing i am definitely seeing is: the clock.  Yikes, i godda put down this phone, and get ready for church.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Think the light finally switched on :) Last i checked, miss-red-pill-brownnoser is still single. And yeah, she isn't stupid. Anyway,

she has a gloom-n-doom you-tube out, concerning the coming price hikes, and subsequent layoffs - as a result.  And of course, the red-pill pukes are all a glee; because these about-to-vanish jobs will - supposedly - affect single women.  Perhaps, this red-pill toady is fixing to score, even more points ... in hopes that one of them, out there in you-tube land will wife her up.  She's still young, attractive enough and motivated.  But red-pills are ... well, about everything they accuse "females" of being.  So dearie, wouldn't bet on any rescue coming through - not from any of them wankers.  They use. Then simply walk away. Best any woman, with any brain cells can do is: RUN!