well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
The myth, that as soon as a man and woman marry, intimacy slows down...there's probably alot
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Cadly was glad the chick was gone; he had wanted her canned,
The old woman listened to the sermon, Pastor West was expositing the latter half of I Timothy 2. Ruh-ro, the flippant exclamation
Monday, July 25, 2022
You're kidding me, Julie mumbled to herself, as her husband pulled into Hank and Jenny's drive.
Pastor and Mrs West were both doing their typical Tuesday evening thing, over at the church.
"Now we got 'em!" A cackley voice continued, "no way the ga-ga gooddd Pastor's
Down the street, a short ways from the bar, a little boy sat at the kitchen table, coloring a sketch of a muscle car.
Bradley, glanced out the small window alongside the bar entrance. Winter...
not that he could do much about it, except order a few more bags of rocksalt - and keep it locked. People would steal their own mother's underwear... he picked up the near empty beer mug, and wiped the area, where Hank had stopped in for one. Bradley hadn't been seen much of him; he picked up the few bills and change Hank had left and stuffed them in the staff jar, then ran the half-clean rag over the area. The guy looked like he was doing okay, but looked somewhat thinner; guess so, considering the snippets that reached his ears.
Something about having "...enough of th' ol' lady's lip..." Bradley heard all that before, and positively, NO WAY was he ever going there; he could get it in half a dozen places - though, the young ones were harder to sweet-talk into putting out. For the most part, they had expectations, right up front - not that he could blame them, after all, with no access to ... well, much of anything. So, he usually found himself having to settle for post-wallers, and half of them were ... overweight.
Above him, the flatscreen was going on with its usual right-leaning agenda. Bradley hadn't voted for the last fifteen years or so; he didn't care for the left, but he sure didn't like the right - they scared him, with their relentless pontificatings. Front and center, more often, was the "BirthDearth." Then open the friggin boarders...idiots! Miffed. Him. Off! Was doing a real number on his private life, but Bradley could only blame himself, for waffling...not getting in line soon enough; the procedure had been outlawed, and it didn't look like the court was going to overturn, anytime soon.
Well, this was interesting, he dropped what he was doing, and so did some of his patrons - a quiet protest, from a group of older guys was being televised.
"Hey Bradley," a customer pointed to his empty mug.
"Shut up, Dick!" Bradley pointed to the screen. Dude could wait two minutes.
Upon the screen, one of the men was relating, in less than delicate terms, how the drones were affecting everyday private matters. Another in the crowd, some fat dude, probably didn't want to be filmed with his hand in the cookie jar. In the background, a sign read, "AI aka PEEPING Tom!" Another placard read, "Stinkbug? or MemRex?"
"Can't do nuthin about em." A nearby patron said to his buddy, then added, "drones are a handy excuse." The buddy's rather crass reply, went something along the lines of "who wears the pants?"
Sunday, July 24, 2022
What kinda slop..? Hank pushed aside the small plastic tray, wasn't hardly any meat...Hank continued
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Club rules! Guess the members and the aux were able to navigate through them, but like the gubment,
Meggie awoke to the unmistakable sound of a hammer securing a canopy spike. That's right, Father was throwing
"SPIT!" Jenny heard the unmistakable roar of two motorcycles. Of all times, those two bozos, would have to show up.
Sheesh, couldn't they have held off, for five minutes? But no-ho-ho, she grabbed her jeans, headed into the bedroom, which she and Hank shared. While making herself decent, she caught a glimpse of her face and upper body, reflecting in the married's somewhat smudgy mirror, which overlooked their rather cluttered bureau. The telltale signs were there, etched along her forehead, under her eyes and around her, somewhat still, misshapen nose. It still smarted a bit, here and there.
Backstory: she'd gotten into a fight with a little sheepie. Reason? Things had added up, around the last phase of a recent pot luck. While cleaning a spill... men are hogs - "all of 'em," she muttered at her age-lines - the mop had finally given it up. There was another...somewhere. The other armbanded "Ws" were busy - well most of 'em. Hmmph, what Aimee had truely needed was a sound smack up alongside the head...spent more time running her yap, and clicking her cell...
Idiots...Jenny had continued her search. Wasn't like she'd nothing else better to do; it had been inching close to 10pm, and she had to be at work the following morning. The job? Hated it, a call center, but, is what it is. Anyway, she had finally located the extra mop - one that wasn't in much better shape - but cleaning implements had gone so by the wayside, upon what else was in that mess, called a storage area.
Crouched before her was a lowered head, with one of those butched clown-cuts...ugh! Jenny continued ruminating, while reaching for her hairbrush - "EF!" the brush, made especially for long wirey hair, had escaped her grasp, rolled off from whatever it had been perched upon, and clattered upon the old pinewood floor. A second person, that evening, had stood, with his fly undone, before the tube-topped little chit (oh comeon, summer was ooovrrr). His grin, suddenly had turned upside down. Hank, being no dummy, had gotten himself the heck out of dodge, colliding into the chit, on the way.
Long story short: Jenny had been beyond fuming; she had grabbed a hold of the little troll...who had thrown a lucky punch. Still smarted a bit - a Wife clouted by a sheepie. Yea, the little remarkies and hand language, directed toward Jenny, were, more or less, somehow expected to be taken in stride...stuff happens, boys be boys.
Yeah right, until it's your husband. Your heart broke.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Her Father's guest seemed nice enough, the old guy - well, that applied to anyone over thirty. Doyle...somebody, Meggie didn't catch his sirname -
"Meggie, set an extra plate." her father spoke, barely looking up from several pages he was looking over. "And put something
on that's nice." There was nothing un-nice about what she had on - a pair of loose-fitting, comfy jeans and a sweater, neither were, well too tattered. Hhm, nice - that was some sort of code word, but where it was going? ..wasn't just her math assignment that wasn't quite adding up. She went into the kitchen to check on the spaghetti, gave it a stirr, then turned it down to warm.
Who was coming to supper? Not that she really much cared. Usually, it was some guy, and her Father and the guest would go on about runs, rides and what it took to keep em roadeworthy. Didn't matter; their conversations bored her. Frankly, for all it was worth, she might as well had not even been in the room; she just worked in the joint, Meggie quipped to herself, while heading upstairs.
Meggie was rather bummed out. While she wasn't the materialistic type, still she had hoped her Father would buy her a computer - the one she had tended fo go into artic-mode. Having turned eighteen, she needed a reliable 'puter for things like ... uhm, sending JOB resumes. Though, she had several months until graduation, the guidance counselor, Miss Poole, said that it's good to get an early start, get accustomed to the different software employers use. In short, took a 'puter, working in the temperate zone. Sure, her school laptop would do, but the school had all kinds of user policies, that left her confused - would really inhale to get access minimized.
There's first the tropics, her mind - which tended to wander off - begn to ponder, while her body climbed into the showert. Where did that gave way to the sub tropics, and where did the temperate area start, and gave way to the sub artic, and then...
Dried off, she entered her room. From outside, she heard the loud roar of an engine cease, when its metal housing had reached its destination. She ran a brush through her still damp hair. Sometimes, she would give the ends a quick touch up with her curling iron, but not now; anyway, the thing no longer heated up very well.
She needed to get a job - and have atleast alittle of her own dough - but Father wouldn't let her work after school. Father wouldn't let her do anything, or go anywhere. Not even school stuff. She glanced at the globe which sat on her dresser, in a bowl - because the stand which had held it, had, two or three years ago, snapped in half, during the last move, from several states away. It had been a sudden one. Not the smartest kid in the class, but she knew, not to ask questions.
"Something nice." The floral dress of heavy denim hung in the closet. The space wasn't large, but since she didn't have much to hang, there was no problem. Yeah, she liked it allright enough, but she'd of rather had the 'puter.
Several days later, Carla came through the back door, with a carry-cart full of thanksgiving items.
Albert had just finished the same article, around the same time, as Chet. A similar discussion ensued between Albert and his wife,
Hillary wasn't exactly having a post-election evening. It started out...meh, okay. The dinner, she had made,
both she and her Husband, had enjoyed, along with a bottle of sparkling white grape juice. Boy, was that non-booze bubbly expensive, but whatever...wasn't like they drank it every night. She had also baked a small apricot raisin pie - Chet's favorite, her 2nd or third favorite - which they had enjoyed, in the livingroom, along with their coffee.
Then it started.
Chet picked up the newspaper, and began the litany of various "great things Senator Rowans" had accomplished. Hillary bit her lip; she and Chet had been married long enough to know, the subject of politics would pass, on it's own - Chet would be leaving behind the disagreeable topic, in about a moment, when he'd page forward to the sports section. His finger, however, made no such motion.
"So, who'd ya vote for?"
He didn't agree with her answer, and made some remark, that really wasn't necessarily. Hillary held her peace - namely because, her regard toward her Husband over-rode, by miles, any stupid political difference; though, with Rowans, soon to be president...oh, Hillary was tempted to go off, but what was the point..." Chet notched off another "accomplishment."
Hillary's left shoe missed the fly, which had just landed on the coffee table. She calmly, dropped the shoe to the rug, and replied: "Perhaps, i would think differently, concerning our esteemed President-elect, if upon taking Office, he enacts an order to GET RIDDA TH' EFFING DRONES!!!" She continued the outburst, using words, highly inappropriate, for a pg blog-post.
"Please calm down." Chet, rather nervously, glanced about their livingroom. He quickly added, "now just relax, honey, and i'll get you one of your MilTabs." Oh, that was about the last thing Hillary wanted to hear - p.m-freaking-s, my foot! Hillary's mindspace muttered. One thing for sure, however...regardless of who you voted for - or didn't bother - everybody wanted drones permanently IMPEACHED!! But everybody knew the drill - there's some things of which...you best stifle yourselves.
There was, however a cute little ditty still making the rounds, that drones had most the nations bound-up, and wise investors invest in Lax-A-Daz - though Chet, and a few billion other people, took the little song - so beloved by children, everywhere - at least, partially serious.
Oh, of course 12s, 14s and 16s were available on the rack, Carla grumbled, flipping the new arrivals
the bird, while staring the poofies down, as if the overly length'd bell-fashioned yardage would quickly sprout legs and run away from her disapproving glare. Pink! Are you kidding me! What kind of simpette...the garments' ruffled hems were raising her hackles. She turned to the rack facing her; there was one, and only one, outfit she was interested in - a smart looking camel-shaded heavy silk pantsuit. But it was a size ten. Carla took a 12, if not a 14, but she knew... she - and no one else - was to blame for letting her gym membership lapse. The light gray suit beside it, was double-breasted, but she didn't care for either the buttons, nor the general cut; Carla was so NOT into bell bottoms...too boomer. While she wasn't one to give pricetags much a glance, she couldn't help but to notice, how sssomme garments - especially women's - could have a bu-ku amount of fabric, and yet be priced about the same as a no-nonsense jacket and a matching pair of slacks.
Yep kiddies, Carla was experiencing less than a good day. She passed and ignored an overhead flatscreen which was focused upon a certain ugly mug; in the background, crowds were cheering. Hmmph! She then realized, she could use a few extra pairs of long silkies - after all, winter was coming, and due to heating costs, the classrooms temps were to be kept at 67; not quite warm enough, especially, when the winds picked up, against the north side of the school building.
She entered the intimate apparel department, and along the wall she was greeted by...ugh, is this eighteen friggin eighty?? Long bellshaped halfslips, basically silk ones for ladies of means, cottons for working class women. Dressing the dollies, rich and poor, blluck! ... not exactly Carla's idea of economic equality. She left the uper-scale department store and got into her car. Wanting to calm herself, what she wanted, was a good stiff drink - but, uh-uh, that wasn't happening ... bad for the waistline.
Ouch, that tray was hot. A steaming bowl, right along side of the chicken, Meggie had just placed upon the table,
the bowl contained those little red glazed potatoes - which julie had brought. She was kind; the vice pres' wife, she never barked orders, or shoved the other women and girls. Unlike jenny, the sec's wife. Jenny stood about six one, and must have weighed around 230 - and boy, did she like throwing it around. "That goes over here." Jenny barked at one of the other women, who, evidently, knew well that replying back, just wasn't worth it.
Meggie was hungry. Earlier in the day, the school cafeteria had served tuna over noodles - a favorite of hers - but with food prices, the way they were, the portions appeared to have been cut - for girl's evidently. Meggie, being not quite the brightest seventeen year old - her gpa, being less than stellar, yet somehow - knew there were ways around things - and while equality of the genders was still taught...not always applied in the day to day, however;/
She stood five seven and weighed one fiftyish - the scale at home was probably older than her Father. Every pound upon her near fully matured frame had its vision upon the bounty before it. A plate of sliced cheese and crackers had been placed nearby, alongside a veggie tray. Maggie's hand carefully began reaching for one of the toothpick-pierced pieces, but the little larceny in progress was abruptly preempted by a certain familiar bark. Jenny...
There would be no food served until the meeting, taking place in the adjoining room was adjourned. Per the member's voices - one of them was, of course, her Father's, (he was always going on about something...ugh!) - it would likely be a few minutes more, before the men filed out, took their seats, and their suppers, per the "auxiliary," brought to them - and to their teenaged sons, who were presently outside in the moist chill, maintaining their own pecking order.
The meeting was finally, hopefully, drawing to conclusion; the members were growing hangrier by the second. Sammy, one of the regular members, hadn't eaten all day - too many vehicles to fix and not enough mechanics to fix 'em. He leaned toward a buddy, sitting nearby, to say something, his other ear felt a sudden movement.
A partially empty beer bottle had stuck the back wall; shards of it's brownish glass littered the floor, the foamy brew trickled down the nicotine stained panel. Per the speaker's glare, sammy's eyes did not return a challenge, nor any other unspoken or spoken pushback - having learned from previous experience - his eyes had instead lowered to their proper place. Needless to say, the mess would be later on cleaned up by one or more of the club's "auxiliary. Doggoneit, the lanky twenty-two year old was hungry. Whatever the women had cooked up, it sure smelled heavenly.
Finally, the meeting over, the men and boys were being served heaping plates, young children, of either gender, were given their place/plate at the long table. Next the "auxiliary" would - after a typically long, busy day - be able to enjoy a half hour or so, of food and fellowship. By the time Meggie was able to grab a plate, the salmon wraps were long gone, along with those little red potatoes. There were, however, several chicken legs and thighs remaining - she put one on her plate, and scooped a spoonful of what remained of some kind of mexican dish, and two of the remaining six or seven meatballs. Another delight, she had to pass by, there was but a spoonful or two remaining - yep, another one of those double standards.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
"It's appropriately nasty out there." Carla spoke to a co-teacher,
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
"Thank you, thank you, thank You, Lord," Irene beheld the jars and boxes sitting upon cupboard shelves.
Fortunately, school was cancelled, namely for the fact, the poles would be jammed.
Due to several instances of creative voter-counts, prior to the Donalds admin, mail-ins were only for the elderly or disabled. Educators were up in arms over the likely outcome..."be afraid, be very afraid." Was Albert's favorite line, from a movie, he'd seen when he was around six or seven. He still remembered his mom saying something about suing the producers, something like $1,100 for a new sofa, and two lamps. Another one of his "I'm th' Fflyyy" stunts - the setting, a dilapidated shed on his folk's property - had landed him in the ER. Needless to say, not long after, his Dad and Uncle Rob, tore it down, and threw the pieces into a rented dumpster.
His phone read 6:07. The diner opened at six, and he was hungry. He then decided to first get to the polls, and get in line. Straightening his tie, his wife's reflection was still...out like a light. Hmm, with a bit of luck, she'd get herself into something else, and somehow not make the 7pm limit. But that wasn't likely to happen - headache or not. Their two votes would cancel each other out. He kissed his political opponent upon the forehead, then upon her cheek; she mumbled a response - if he'd heard what he thought she'd said... Anyway, he was enough of a gentleman to not bring it up; she'd be mortified.
Whistling a tune, he bounded down the stairs. But the second part of the ditty fell flat, upon noticing the rather disheveled state of their living room. A twinge of conscience. Quickly, he straightened and picked up some out of place items. If his wife didn't remember last night, all the better - they didn't call 'em Marine Corp Slammers for nothing; ole teddy, didn't water 'em down...he'd say, with a wink "principal of the thing, ya know."
Whatever was in 'em, they sure were refreshing - though more like a summer drink. He, a one-drink man, had one - which he didn't finish; Carla, must have mistaken the tall orange beverage for Summer Coolers - she'd drank two, or was it three? Either way, pricked his conscience - there was a verse somewhere in the Bible that went along the lines of pushing booze before your neighbor... While he didn't "push" and Carla wasn't his neighbor, still the agenda was the same. Albert was not a religious man, but manipulating people was just plain wrong.
Two hours later, Carla's eyes shot open. The little orange clock radio, sitting on their bureau, read 8:20. "Crap!" She b-lined for the shower. Her head throbbed alittle; too bad, no time for coffee. She was half dressed when she realized, yippee, school was not in session today. The students would be happy, but they wouldn't be overly thrilled come the friday following thanksgiving.
Coffee, coffee, yee-haw, she sped toward the kitchen. "OUCH!" Carla bellowed out a few other words. A heeled, slipper, lay on its side, at her feet. She sat on the coffee table, rubbing a stubbed toe. Darn, that smarted, but worse, did a number on her pedicure. She glanced around their spacious living room - some things appeared out of place. Oh well, first, COFFEE!! She had enough time to tidy up, before 10:30ish - when the MerMaids team would arrive, for their twice-weekly, to polish furnishings, clean countertops, tiles, vac floors...
She poured the lifesaving liquid into a favorite mug - a souvenir she had picked up, a few years ago, when she and Albert had gone to Ireland. The toe continued to smart. "Just put a bandaid on it." She recalled a fellow teacher's voice. Yeah, right...but it was worth a try.
A few hours later, she was very glad to have wrapped the toe. The winding queue inched forward, toward the booths. Three or four people ahead, stood the Waterfeld's. Ward leaned, toward June and whispered something in her ear. "June, now be a g..." WHAT! If Carla heard right, and she believed she had...while, not surprised, still Carla seethed. Stupid senera-joys...although the derision was not inline with the story, it stuck. It was women like June, women who, of course, didn't work...but stayed home, and bred senera-heffers. Portions from a certain book report reiterated in Carla's mindspace - The little twit...yet, casting dispersions couldn't erase the fact, Molly had studiously read it. Carla pondered, trying to recall, the author who wrote "Handmaid's Tale." She reached for her cell.
Barely a few miles southeast from the diner, where the young marrieds were wrapping up their date night, the bride's parents
were leisurely finishing their prime rib and lobster dinners. The little country club was noted for their fine cuisine, in an elegant, yet down home setting - so, no cause to wonder why the rather out-of-the-way place tended more toward the local, if not regional, old money set. From one corner, that overlooked the 18-hole golfcourse, a young pianist played soft music upon a grand piano - which had been purchased, going on a century ago, by the club, along with the sprawling old stone farmhouse, that dated back to around 1830.
Other original furnishings were also lovingly kept polished. A large mahogany sideboard, reputed to predate the revolutionary war, sat along the wall - which was probably true, and maybe, that large oaken table in a neighboring room. Needless to say, the sometimes visiting "updates" - who preferred the large club, located closer to the city - were known to simply hone in upon nicks and dents. And yeah, they never failed to run in the fact, they had superior golfers. Forty year olds golf better than sixty year olds ... moving right along. Genuine crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings in several of the rooms - and yes, the upkeep of those was a ha$$le, but the members continued to vote yes, they're worth it.
Had been a near miracle the club was able to sustain a healthy margin of black. Some six or seven years ago...well sometime during Donalds' first term, the club had chosen to take a big risk; the vote was nearly three out of four in favor to close on sunday - no small decision, since sunday income rivalled saturdays. Needless to say, there, for a while, the club found itself scrambling for staff. It had gotten to the point, where several of the members, themselves, from time to time, were, tending bar, waiting tables, and even cleaning restrooms.
Ward Waterfeld would never know why a certain highly coveted client had chosen to partner with his employer. To sum it up, a prominent man - who was reputed to be worth several billion - had been impressed by the the middle-aged lawyer, who, in his suit, had quietly disappeared for a few moments, into the kitchen. Yep, billionaire wanted people who were willing to keep things running - even if those things were menial.
Okay, club backstory done.
Mr and Mrs Ward Waterfeld, along with three or four other couples, slowly danced to a soft melody. While, predictably, much of the muted conversation, all around, was about - and for Rowans, another conversation, from one of the tables, had nothing to do with voting. Though June didn't care for Rowans, atleast, with him and his, in office, if war was to break, young unmarried women would be exempt - which is likely why, Rowans would get it per landslide. Of course, the Waterfeld's were free from the worry of having to come up with a dodge - both agreed, "over my dead body..." Sure, Roger, at fourteen, was starting to chomp at the bit; he wanted to go and notch off a few commies. June kept her focus upon the election, lest she mope. She'd plans for Molly - a lovely white gown, with veil and train, lots of flowers, attendants, aline, and a reception here at the club.
From that certain table - where the two husbands were debating which ski lodge was better - a set of overly mascara'd eyes peered up and down the delicate folds of June Waterfeld's pale burgundy gown. Alice really didn't know June that well, nor cared to - she was just miffed about something, and looking for an ego-fix. She inched her chair back, then tilted her head a bit sideways. The other wife, knew the signal. A savory tidbit was about to be served. While Carla, for good reason, didn't much trust Alice, doggoneit, she sure had the goods.
"Ah, yer fulla s*it!" the one husband was going on about something related to snow removal equipment. "Albert, please!" Carla chided - being partially annoyed, for having missed a little tidbit. Something about a teen wearing a prom gown to a "fundoid" wedding. Alice's next remark clarified matters, and it was sweet music to Carla's ears. The girl, Molly, had been in her current affairs class, and had, more than once, expressed obsolete views regarding the "two" genders. What really rankled Carla was: the heffer not only did her homework, but went beyond the mile. Conflicting thoughts rose up to occupy another tract of mental acreage. Carla wasn't having that ... reality. Hampstering was easier, took far less mental energy. Anyway, ha-ha, to the not-so-little brat, a smirk crossed her face. Pro-patriarchal values? Ma-molleee was likely getting a payload of it.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Mitch had an 8am appointment near Fredericksburg, so he did the smart thing
Some backstory here - Hillary had majored in one of those "worthless" degrees. She had chosen
The good news was, the little package wasn't a long-winded tax rationale, it was a
Monday, July 18, 2022
The little battery operated clock, above the sink, read 6:47, when she heard her husband's truck pull in.
The little box was about the size of a stack of three or four steno pads. Hillary shook it, but it barely
Post wall cat ladies, popping psyco-meds? Okay, mgtows, let's talk about addiction. Who's getting pulled over
for DUIs? They're really expensive, by the way - can lose your job, too. Is it the cat ladies, so stupidly ditching their financial futures? Oh wait, they're at home, eating ice cream, while watching the liEtime channel (television for women). Last i checked, that's only a dumb-arse waste of time, but you don't get court costs and jail, for watching that rubbish.
Who's popping the opioids? Hey, i thought more women were hooked on those, because ya know, how wimpy we women are, when it comes to getting over surgery. Nope, i was wrong - again. During an all-hands meeting at work, the speaker came right out and said "men" are having issues getting off the stuff, and getting back to work.
Speaking of workday mornings, is it the cat ladies coming in late to work, hoping the boss doesn't notice the bloodshot eyes, and the lingering smell of booze? By the way, you can shower with comet cleanser, but alcohol gets into the skin, and smells as the overtaxed body rids itself of that toxin.
It is said, that one out of four women are taking psycho meds. What's the percentage of men, who are addicted to booze and drugs. And what's the percentage of men who waste precious hours and hours weekly, seeking a dopamine high, through certain skanky websites? By the way, didn't know, until a short time ago, that sort of passive/aggressive activity, basically retards the part of the brain, which enables a person to get to work on time, to first pay the roofing bill, instead of just popping off to aruba. Ya know, being a responsible ADULT.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Wait a second, who's getting shorted, when mom goes for the divorce?
Monday, July 11, 2022
Even the shoes are ugly. At a certain better shoe store, not a single pair.
Was looking for a pretty pair of sandals, with a 1 or 1.5 inch heel. Try another store? Will do that later; thing is, want leather. And i have the feeling that what i am going to see, are either 3-inch heels, or just plain ugly earth-shoe types - and nothing in between, of course. In my area, there's one other store, that might have some pretty shoes - but that same store is into fast-fashion. So, a pair of comfortable, attractive, well-made shoes ... yeah, good luck with that. Anyway, bought a pair of uglies, they'll have to do for now.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
The maxi-dress rant yeppers, kiddies, some mgtow was reviling off about women all buying into
Sometimes, it seems that God has a sense of humor. While the mgtows go on about bitter "wall" women,
Another thought that crossed my mind, a few weeks back. When mgtows insist that men can do just fine without
women. Yep, they're about right on that. But giving credit to blind evolution? Nope. Anyway, per one of their posts, the writer had briefed how men take care of themselves, their homes just f.i.n.e. - ya know, laundry, meals, dishes and such - without a woman in their lives. Uhm, that's just being an adult. Anyway, evidently, the Lord created man with the brains to take care of business. Adam, being created first, was alone, and he was busy. Had a garden to "dress and keep." And since there was no HardwarePlanet, he had to figure out what sort of tools would work best, and he had to make those tools.
Had been wondering, however, for some time, why did the Lord say in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good that the man should be alone;". Adam was fruitful in his work, in a weed-free garden that grew like nobody's business. Bet he took lots of breaks to study the plants and rocks. His brain being undamaged by sin, bet he was smart enough to figure out molecular composition, and could likely see the very configurations in his mind's eye. Surely, that sort of thing would keep a smart guy occupied for quite awhile - but wait a sec, the individual atoms, and their ingredients. Down to the quarks, or whatever makes up the atom. Bet he had to, more than a few times, say to himself, "mmkay break over, godda get busy." Bet he could multitask too.
Anyway, and yeah, per Genesis 1:28, right after "Be fruitful," comes the "and multiply," Okay, here comes the part where he names the animals. How long did that take, a few hours, maybe even a few days? If so, hope he made himself enough coffee - some critters sleep during the day. Guess on that job, he'd noticed a certain pattern. Each critter had a mate. Well, since Adam was likely smart enough (no brain damage from sin) to conceptualize molecular configurations, surely he noticed that Mrs.Bear had something in the oven - perhaps, the clue in her eyes, perhaps her smell - uhm, pregnancy changes body chemistry.
Did Adam get to thinking, he wanted a son? After all, he hadn't yet seen a human female. But maybe, with his smarts and all, he might have had atleast some half-foggy idea of what a woman would look like. Bet he was quite pleasantly surprised, upon waking up, that she had a lovely face, beautiful hair, nice boobs, and a small waist.
Anyway, it was a secular article that helped me with my question. Aside of the fact that a man cannot have a baby by himself - or with a she-bear (or with another man - maybe the scientists can make that possible, but the kid will be a high-maintenance screw-up). Anyway, the article stated that men have a high sex drive, that sex for a man goes way beyond his getting his cookies off - that a man's healthy sex drive is what kept the fields plowed, the paths cleared, things invented to make the labor of living easier and more efficient.
Later, in the New Testament, when the pharisees were playing their narc games (and so not succeeding) at Jesus. Anyway, Jesus had said, that from the beginning, (Mark 10:6-7) marriage was one man and one woman - for life. And we all know, Jesus, the King of kings draws a real hard line concerning sex outside of marriage.
Uhm, no wonder so many mgtows want no parts of Scripture. Anyway, more later, shift starts in about ... yikes, now :)
"But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh : so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Mark 10:6-9