women. Yep, they're about right on that. But giving credit to blind evolution? Nope. Anyway, per one of their posts, the writer had briefed how men take care of themselves, their homes just f.i.n.e. - ya know, laundry, meals, dishes and such - without a woman in their lives. Uhm, that's just being an adult. Anyway, evidently, the Lord created man with the brains to take care of business. Adam, being created first, was alone, and he was busy. Had a garden to "dress and keep." And since there was no HardwarePlanet, he had to figure out what sort of tools would work best, and he had to make those tools.
Had been wondering, however, for some time, why did the Lord say in Genesis 2:18, "It is not good that the man should be alone;". Adam was fruitful in his work, in a weed-free garden that grew like nobody's business. Bet he took lots of breaks to study the plants and rocks. His brain being undamaged by sin, bet he was smart enough to figure out molecular composition, and could likely see the very configurations in his mind's eye. Surely, that sort of thing would keep a smart guy occupied for quite awhile - but wait a sec, the individual atoms, and their ingredients. Down to the quarks, or whatever makes up the atom. Bet he had to, more than a few times, say to himself, "mmkay break over, godda get busy." Bet he could multitask too.
Anyway, and yeah, per Genesis 1:28, right after "Be fruitful," comes the "and multiply," Okay, here comes the part where he names the animals. How long did that take, a few hours, maybe even a few days? If so, hope he made himself enough coffee - some critters sleep during the day. Guess on that job, he'd noticed a certain pattern. Each critter had a mate. Well, since Adam was likely smart enough (no brain damage from sin) to conceptualize molecular configurations, surely he noticed that Mrs.Bear had something in the oven - perhaps, the clue in her eyes, perhaps her smell - uhm, pregnancy changes body chemistry.
Did Adam get to thinking, he wanted a son? After all, he hadn't yet seen a human female. But maybe, with his smarts and all, he might have had atleast some half-foggy idea of what a woman would look like. Bet he was quite pleasantly surprised, upon waking up, that she had a lovely face, beautiful hair, nice boobs, and a small waist.
Anyway, it was a secular article that helped me with my question. Aside of the fact that a man cannot have a baby by himself - or with a she-bear (or with another man - maybe the scientists can make that possible, but the kid will be a high-maintenance screw-up). Anyway, the article stated that men have a high sex drive, that sex for a man goes way beyond his getting his cookies off - that a man's healthy sex drive is what kept the fields plowed, the paths cleared, things invented to make the labor of living easier and more efficient.
Later, in the New Testament, when the pharisees were playing their narc games (and so not succeeding) at Jesus. Anyway, Jesus had said, that from the beginning, (Mark 10:6-7) marriage was one man and one woman - for life. And we all know, Jesus, the King of kings draws a real hard line concerning sex outside of marriage.
Uhm, no wonder so many mgtows want no parts of Scripture. Anyway, more later, shift starts in about ... yikes, now :)
"But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh : so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Mark 10:6-9
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