Friday, July 22, 2022

Hillary wasn't exactly having a post-election evening. It started out...meh, okay. The dinner, she had made,

both she and her Husband, had enjoyed,  along with a bottle of sparkling white grape juice.  Boy, was that non-booze bubbly expensive, but whatever...wasn't like they drank it every night.  She had also baked a small apricot raisin pie - Chet's favorite, her 2nd or third favorite - which they had enjoyed, in the livingroom, along with their coffee.

Then it started.  

Chet picked up the newspaper, and began the litany of various "great things Senator Rowans" had accomplished.  Hillary bit her lip; she and Chet had been married long enough to know, the subject of politics would pass, on it's own - Chet would be leaving behind the disagreeable topic, in about a moment, when he'd page forward to the sports section.  His finger, however, made no such motion.

"So, who'd ya vote for?"

He didn't agree with her answer, and made some remark, that really wasn't necessarily.  Hillary held her peace - namely because, her regard toward her Husband over-rode, by miles, any stupid political difference; though, with Rowans, soon to be president...oh, Hillary was tempted to go off, but what was the point..."  Chet notched off another "accomplishment."


Hillary's left shoe missed the fly, which had just landed on the coffee table.  She calmly, dropped the shoe to the rug, and replied: "Perhaps, i would think differently, concerning our esteemed President-elect, if upon taking Office, he enacts an order to GET RIDDA TH' EFFING DRONES!!!" She continued the outburst, using words, highly inappropriate, for a pg blog-post.

"Please calm down."  Chet, rather nervously, glanced about their livingroom.   He quickly added, "now just relax, honey, and i'll get you one of your MilTabs."  Oh, that was about the last thing Hillary wanted to hear - p.m-freaking-s, my foot!  Hillary's mindspace muttered.  One thing for sure, however...regardless of who you voted for - or didn't bother - everybody wanted drones permanently IMPEACHED!!  But everybody knew the drill - there's some things of best stifle yourselves. 

There was, however a cute little ditty still making the rounds, that drones had most the nations bound-up, and wise investors invest in Lax-A-Daz - though Chet, and a few billion other people, took the little song - so beloved by children, everywhere - at least, partially serious.

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