Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Cadly was glad the chick was gone; he had wanted her canned,

but Jenny's resignation - and not even a two day, let alone a two week - though the suddenness, left the short-handed staff, even more so, Cadly was glad she was gone; saved him the trouble.  After all, he being just recently hired as the call department's vice manager - at about two thirds of what he'd earned at his last job - had to watch his step, before throwing around his 6'2" 180 something weight.   In short, he couldn't just fire somebody - someone, who was meeting job standards - on account of the employee's  facial expressions - which, silently, spoke clear enough: dude, you are just plain evil!  

Cadly hated that, when that happened.  And boy, was he mad, that certain day, when he walked into the breakroom to buy himself a soda, a few spoken words had reached his ears.  HR had recently hired a new girl, and even though she above the cut-off age of - is it still 30, or had it been raised to 32?  Regardless, of her near-wall age, she was hot!   And she came off as the type who might, without too much effort, be sweet-talked into getting under the desk.  

"Hannah, uh-uh; he's a nag."

Because, Ja-ja-jennie hadn't mentioned any names, there wasn't a dern thing he could do, except collect his soda, and get out of there.  Had he stayed a minute longer, he might have gone over there, and throttled that biker beech - and found himself out of a job, but this time, ineligible for UC comp.


Talk about pushing buttons...sure did.  Cadly couldn't have been much more than eighteen, while picking up his car from the garage.  The old geezer who ran the place, was listening to some preacher, going on about male-delilahs, and warning the young girls in his church, that these sort of guys ...


Cadly HATED, whenever his bluff got called.

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