Friday, July 22, 2022

Several days later, Carla came through the back door, with a carry-cart full of thanksgiving items.

She made a mental note, for the next day, to pull the 16ish pound turkey out of the freezer - would take somewhere between 36 to 48 hours to thaw.   The potatoes and yams, she placed in hanging baskets.  The luscious chocola moose cake, she put in the frig.  Putting in place, her remaining purchases, she brewed a cup of coffee, then made herself comfy upon the spacious black leather sofa.  She opened her laptop.

Well, that's a strange message.  It had been sent from an organization - one she supported with some time, and significant dollars.  The text had read, to the effect, her account had been cancelled, "...due to conflicting interests..."


Maybe system issues...will deal with it later.  Carla switched to her e-newsfeed.  A friend sent vaca pics; another friend sent a party invite - she and Albert would probably attend; another friend sent first grandkid pics ... gaag :/  another friend sent a funny video.

Two or three entries on the list, drew her attention - it was from the school's HR department.  She opened it; she was to attend a mandatory meeting at ten am, the following day.  Oh brother, she muttered, here we go again.  As if she had nothing else better to do, than to attend meetings - many, which, were an hour long, and could be EASILY trimmed to ten minutes...ugh!

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