Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The old woman listened to the sermon, Pastor West was expositing the latter half of I Timothy 2. Ruh-ro, the flippant exclamation

sailed through Irene's mindspace.  Dude is just begging for more pushback.  The pieces, had been coming together for some time.  While the last little stunt - Room #7 - had only created alot of good natured pointing and tittering...but surely the failed char-assination had the perps, fuming.  Irene was almost positive from where the attack, had been launched - but, of course, the murmurings of two certain harpies, sitting in the pew behind her, were not proof.  And frankly, Irene didn't relish, being the one to call aside, and quietly confront.  While she knew more than she cared to know about the situation, snippets, here and there, reaching her ears, were not proof of active intent.  And, oh so furthermore, she, somehow knew enough, that the two harpies - especially, the one - were ravening wolves.

The latest bit of evidence, though indirect ... but no so indirect.  Long story short:  Barney, or whatever his name is, had ... oh about, six weeks ago, gone to some sportsmen show or whatever.  There, he had waiting in a line - probably for a sandwich - and had ended up in a conversation with some guy named Doyle.  The guy's last name escaped her, but she sort of knew the young woman attentively seated beside him - Meggie, or was it Maggie?  Either way, the young woman's last name was the same as Doyle's.  This new couple - the young bride, especially, was but fresh meat to the two hyenas, sitting not far from Irene.  Had 'em mad as heck.  Doyle looked to be about pushing near forty, while his bride was... well, alot younger - if the girl was twenty two, that was so pushing it. 

"...a related Scripture, turn to Titus 2:3, Paul writes to Titus..." Pastor cleared his throat and took a sip of water, then continued, "The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior..."

Yikes, Preacher! ya really wanna honk off th' jezes?? ...sure gave Elijah abidda rough runnin.  Wasn't like back in third wave days, when "they(?)" - and their smooth-palmed handlers - were annoying...more or less.  Fourth, and especially, fifth wavers were always mad, and could be dangerous.  

She remembered as a child, hearing the term "generation gap."  Oh, they had no idea!  Back then, it was all about tie dye and rock verses suits and orchestra.  Back then, the old would argue and chide the young, but ... uh-uh, these days, there were, more than a few, old women who were known to atleast want harm to come down upon young women.  Made Irene sad...wasn't the youngins' fault the oldsters dun missed the boat...after all, doesn't taka...

PAY ATTENTION!  A loud rebuke, reverberated throughout Irene's mindspace, sending her lollygagging thoughts, running for cover.  

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