well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Monday, January 31, 2022
i like listening to news-guy's broadcast - after all, its not like Christian news-casts can be found just any old where. Anyway,
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Been going to the "new" (for me) church since the new year - and yeah, the people there -
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Social-security is a form of welfare? But wait a second, you have to work for atleast 10 years
to get even a minimum - which, no way, is even enough to buy groceries, let alone insurance. People who get those $2,700+ checks each month (and that's barely enough, even if debt-free) worked more than the required 40 quarters, and in jobs that were well above menial/entry-level.
Think the guy who, on a newscast, equated welfare with social-security had opted out of it years ago. Meanwhile, a certain King James Bible preacher - who also knows a bit on how the real world operates (because he lived and WORKED there for a time - rather tongue-in-cheek, warned against this opting out - guess he had run into people who had done that, and now at 60-something...eh, things weren't going so well.
If i'm not mistaken, Pastor Barry (who WORKED for years building houses) knows a pastor who, after he couldn't preach anymore due to health issues, subsists in a 5-wheel soda can - they leak heat like nobody's business. Needless to say, Pastor Barry wasn't one to shake the plate at his small congregation - some of whom were barely scraping by.
i remember dick pulling out a $10 for the plate. That may not seem much, but the guy was like 80, and didn't have much. He had to live with his daughter, and boy was she a bitch; UGLY! all over him, because the little marine was about to bite into a small piece of cake. Yeah, i know about diabetes and all, but that slice was hardly a 2-inch square.
Guess news guy didn't get the email concerning elder abuse, either.
Anyway, news-guy was basically going on that old people are a bunch of welfare recipients. His solution? Sandwich the (40-something) kids.
The kids, who are helping out their folks, (and not creating church-house drama) also have their own kids to provide (college) for - and some five or ten years left on the mortgage.
And, by the way, if social security is welfare, then the HMOs - that working people pay into - are medicaid.
People too focused on finances to have kids? Excuse me, but just received
my home and auto insurance. Both went up a few hundred from last year. And yeah, am going to make an appointment with my agent to ask why. But, per the auto, think i've atleast part of the answer. About 20% of my auto premium is to, basically, foot the bill for uninsured and underinsured drivers. And yeah, in my state, you can sign off a document for cheaper auto insurance - but going that route gives me the willies. So, am wondering about the electric bill - what percentage is providing electricity for people who are constantly late paying there's? And yeah, i get it: it's winter, and the power can't be shut off - nor should it, because people will freeze to death, and that's waay too social evolutionary.
But it doesn't take a financial genius to figure out, there's alot of people out there making partial (if that) payments, and taking the rest along on casino roadtrips / down around the corner to buy pot, and then enjoying a nice steak/lobster dinner afterwards (while the responsible are at their 65f home, wrapped in flannel, and eating a cheese sandwich for supper.)
Fixated on finance?? Because ya never know what unexpected things can crop up. Uhm, that's called being responsible. i come from the "can't feed em? don't breed em!" side of town - the same part of town, where the folks aren't overjoyed in having to pay for other people's habitual lack of foresight.
And as the comment about people not wanting to be poor...what square-footage - with the marble island, did that one pop out? Of course people don't want to be poor, you ninny! Poverty sucks - hard!
Friday, January 28, 2022
Get married, have multiple kids, whether or not the couple is financially solvent? Why is it, the "be fruitful,"
Monday, January 24, 2022
Browsing the tract-rack over at church - the one i go to now. No longer go to the other church, because
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Of course the building is haunted, what's so unusual about that? For one thing, it's location used to be
a not the best of neighborhoods. Back in the early 1950s, and earlier, the neighborhood was where you went to get drunk, start a fight, find a hooker and such. Up the street, was a place where young women went for abortions. By the way, atleast the man who preformed them was not a butcher (like the one in a nearby community) ; in that place were beds for the women to rest for about a day, and a nurse to see to them.
Anyway, several people have noted unusual things going on, like that electronic door that opens, and nobody is there. Well, that could easily be explained since electronics does odd things. But back in april 2020, when there was nobody else on the floor - and probably no one else on the floor/s above or the one/s below - when that stupid door swung open, why did the steady hum of the machines quit, and where did that cold air come from? The windows don't open, and any entrances are several floors below; the nearest stairwell is behind a firewall door, and is over thataways a bit. By the way, the windows used to be the kind that opened, but some years back, someone jumped out from like the 11th or 12th floor; there might have been another before, don't know if that person had jumped from a window a few floors up from there or not.
It's a big building.
One of my co-workers has been there several times alone, working ot, when that door had swung open. Don't know what had spooked her that one particular time, but she said, per that time, she turned off her computer, grabbed her purse and got out of there.
Maybe the unclean spirit who happened by was dirtier than the others who inhabit the area. Per Matthew 12:45, foul spirits do wander from place to place, and like crooks, some are more wicked than others - some gang-bangers draw a line at harming kids, while others would stab a four year-old and laugh.
"There goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there : and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." Matthew 12:45
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Fortunately, Martin Vilars is, evidently, doing quite well for himself. Unlike too many boys, especially,
"Manipulated Man?" Hhmm, wonder if Martin, Ms. Vilar's son,
Could be a plant - recently, mrs.shez-all-that ran an article about a wife who put up with
Monday, January 17, 2022
More chidey heidi from the worldlings - was looking at the weather.
High winds, of course. By the way, when that windstorm took out all 10 of Job's and Mrs. Job's kids, guess who wanted the storm? Yep, the devil sent that - of course, he had to get permission from the Lord. But had devil been occupied elsewhere, those 10 kids wouldn't have died in the storm. So, it stands to reason who initiates crappy weather, and because we all fell in Adam, the Lord may give the okay. In short, the devil may want today's wind to gust up to 180, but the Lord decides what mph. The wind groans, sounds like it voices all of post-fall creation.
Anyway, it snowed last night, about two inches, then it rained. What an icy, slushy mess. The five-gallon bucket has ice-melt. Too bad, not regular good old fashioned rock salt - that's in the pole barn. And yeah, i get it: ice-melt doesn't chew on your concrete. But ya sure have to use alot of it.
i like the rock salt. You can sprinkle that, and some 15 minutes later, the ice can be shoveled away. i just used over twice as much ice-melt, as i would use salt. And the stupid ice-melt...didn't as of yet.
As for the weather, someone on the net had mentioned, fearmongering - check the ads when you visit the weather page. Yep. An ad for a generator. Oh yeah, like most people have a few grand just sitting around, wanting to be used - like that few extra grand isn't needed for any other type of repair.
Chidey heidies don't have repairs waiting to get done, and they don't have budget constraints. But one thing you'll likely hear from the heidies are horns being blown, whenever one of them decides to send fifty bucks to a charity - ya know, like the racket you heard back in november 2020.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Those little pamphlets the electric company send out,
Saturday, January 15, 2022
A recent post, over at mrs.shez-all-that's website, she and the submissive-sorority were going all ga-ga about
The 80% question - a friend from church, while talking about an unrelated topic, had expressed amazement,
Not a story, just a rant. While i won't name names - because its not really necessary. People who live in the real world,
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Partytime.., Epilogue. Pellet flew past the moon, mars, and beyond the PLANET pluto.
Partytime.., Part 6: It was a now or never moment. Yeah, Pellet was determined
Partytime.., Part 5: 2nd Evening. Pellet's pursuit of a host wasn't going so well. He was getting fed up with
being roundly excluded from the possess-parties going on all around him. Many of the demons shared hosts - some flitting to another, and maybe back again. But Pellet assured himself that he was picky - which was partially true, but...
Pellet decided to settle for a certain vacancy. A legal assistant. Granted, the body was a slave, but a rather high-ranking one - and boy, what a babe! On the way over to the Law Offices of Bayt & Swiche, he caught a glimpse of the Tomb. Around it, of course, stood several of Ga-ga-gaawd's ever goody-goody sentries.
He noticed, however, something was out of place. With all the demons, having chose their hosts, (human or animal) not so much as a mangey dog woof'd nor snarled at the Tomb - never mind, a snickering pharisee nor soldier happening by, for a few jeers, before heading on their way.
That's strange!
Were his co-demons scared - and, of course, too scared (of being ganged-upon by the others) to let on, that something could be wrong?
Yeah, understandable enough. But, what if...
Pellet was upset. Upset because, it was the higher-ranking demons who should be paying attention. But nnnoo, that would pausing the party. StyEye, one of the arch-demons, was currently seeing about some stupid chariot. Oh my, perish the thought of interrupting that, for so much as two seconds -the idiot! And satan? Hhmmm, probably laying about in some tropical glade, on the other side of the planet, slowly swallowing a poor defenseless little mouse.
Meanwhile, before them all, stood the very real possibility, that conquest's one-time open window, was fixing to shut. And might do so, real soon.
Partytime.., Part 4: Pellet then switched his thoughts back to finding a host.
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Partytime.., Part 3: As Pellet flew past the Legion, he happened to notice
a soldier ricocheting out the door. Oh boy, Pellet grinned - having seen that guy before, in same place, same condition - a flogging waiting to happen. Pellet wanted to stick around, egg it on, and watch (the soldier's commanding officer was nearby, and looked mad about something) but Pellet didn't have time.
And something was troubling him, as if things were too good to be true. He stifled it and continued on. He slowed down some, approaching the library, when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Dirt Bag. Drats! It was best to give Bag a wide berth; Bag was a brownnoser extraordinaire - had connections all the way down. Needless to say, Bag didn't want to change hosts. He enjoyed the stoic lifestyle - they ate fruit and low-fat bread. No beer, no dope, and no junk food. And certainly, no offensive vapors.
Pellet detested earthly food, gross how it came out. But if you wanted a host... Pellet had pondered this nutrition thing, but oh, didn't discuss it with any of the other demons, because sharing observations about everyday things, somehow would end up twisted into something very else. And it wasn't like Pellet was the only demon to end up bound and belly down ... over nothing really.
So, Pellet kept his observations to himself. Frankly, he could only conclude this food intake (which was gross too) and elimination process was clear evidence that the Most High God wasn't all that, with apple slices on a bed of lettuce. Pellet's ponderings were abruptly southended.
Outside a healer's shop, a horse which apparently had a belly load of 3rd rate feed, had suddenly let loose. Pellet gagged so violently, he veered off course, and came dangerously close to Valour. Yikes!
Valour, one of the Lord God's angels, was heading in the direction of a borrowed tomb (Pellet had snickered upon hearing that little detail), where Jesus Christ's dead body had been interred. Pellet scratched a matty tuft on his head, What's the point, guarding a corpse? Wasn't like Jesus was in any condition to get up, and from inside, roll the stone away - the thing had to have weighed a few tons.
Partytime.., Part 2: Leaving his whiney host - and the smelly cloud,
evidencing clogged organic plumbing, (from too much processed flour) Pellet set out for his dream host. He flew down the street and around the corner, to a side building next to the arena. His teenage potential host was lifting weights. Definitely a healthy eater, who didn't emit noxious clouds; five and one half feet, 120 pounds - and not a blemish on her body.
Oh but as typically rotten luck would have it, Rat Turd flew in, and was on her, like stink on ... It was as if Turd was keeping tabs on Pellet, for no better reason than ... because he could. Pellet wanted so badly to just go over there and punch that smirk off Turd's snout. But that wasn't going to happen, better to simply avoid trouble and look elsewhere.
Turd was also relishing his freedom to choose a host, or go look for another. It had been awhile, since he had enjoyed the privilege o possessing a soul that he enjoyed manipulating. His previous assignment was the pick-pocket who had ... no wait, that one died in jail during the Caesar administration. Whatever..! The dullards all melted into one big bore.
Pellet had reason to console himself as her flew away from the arena-complex. Atleast his hosts had mostly been of a higher social caliber than Turd's. And in all fairness - that which Pellet priced himself - Turd had been under unreasonable punishment. Had something to do with a serious quarrel that was fixing to break out between Shem and Japheth. In all fairness, it wasn't Turd's fault that Ham just had to show up with the right tool.
Anyway, it presently looked like Turd's punishment - for something that no way, in the entire universe, he could have stopped - had been lifted. Well, atleast for now. But you never know, not with their king - the father of lies, being changeable as the Galilean Sea.
Partytime, Whahooo, Part 1: First Evening - The moment the soldier yanked out his spear, which he had so rudely
thrust in, from the prisoner's side, as the Blood and the water spurted out separately, a resounding cheer erupted from the surrounding crowd of devils.
Jesus Christ was dead.
And not only that, it was finally partytime. After some 4,000 years, with hardly a break, satan had been working them about non-stop... well, some devils more than others. But now, that Jesus was finally off their scales, it was as if satan had declared a day of rest - maybe, just maybe, even a few days of leisure.
Wow, what a feeling!
For the first time, since their defeat - and immediate expulsion from heaven - the devils had found themselves free to roam about. But that wasn't the half of it. For the first time, not having that awful dread of the coming wrath of God, nipping 24/7/365.25 at their tails.
Jesus Christ was dead.
He would not be coming back, riding a horse, wielding a sword, casting the rebels into the pit. And neither would any of those smelly clay pottys be given any cities to rule, nor crowns to cast at Christ's pierced feet.
For the first time since the rebellion - that didn't end well, of course - MousePellet had some freedom. Was a bit shocking, and yet a bit scary, to be allowed to just up and seek a different host-body - one of one's own choosing. And one who wasn't anything like the spoiled, ever peevish, dough-faced senator's brat.
Ugh! Having been stuck in that kid's flabby frame, had been a non-stop miserable, and oftentimes humiliating experience. The little wussie was no fun - ever! He didn't fuss with his sister, he didn't roughhouse with any of his brothers - and knock over lamps and vases, nor did he trouble any of the servants. Neither was the early teen into stealing, cursing or making fun of homeless people.
Nope. None of that. The kid's all consuming sin (against the Most High God) was pizza. Pizza, pizza, and more pizza.
MousePellet hated pizza - especially pepperoni, which was the kid's favorite - with a passion. Nor did Pellet care for the kid's 2nd favorite food, ham-n-cheese boli. Just monotonous. Everyday the kid sat on his flabby bottom, feeding his face. And forget about his table manners, just atrocious.
The last soul, Pellet had been stuck with - and was now screaming non-stop in the black flames of hell - had been a similar load of doughy vapors. That one, the son of a prominent egyptian magician, had a non-stop passion for jelly donuts. The host before duke-donuts ... whadda sissy!
One embarrassment after another, while the other devils somehow managed to possess princes, 1st rate call girls, gladiators, mob bosses...the cool people. In short, it was as if Pellet always got stuck with the luzers.
But Pellet had long since learned to not so much as humbly request - let alone, stand firm and argue - for an assignment, ones which were better suited to his preferences and competence.
Nope. Pellet had decided that making any appeals before his superior, not worth it, to say the least. Last time was, a few days before some weird guys of Gibeah...anyway, all that - the careful phrases, the simpering in general - got Pellet was having been roughly turned over on his belly. There must have have been arleast twenty of em.
And to this day, Pellet was expected to go around, just grinning and simpering, and acting like that outrage never had happened to him? Seriously???
Friday, January 7, 2022
After.., Epilog: The little boy squirmed out of his car-seat, and tuned around. The truck's bed was full
his parents had loaded whenever they all went in a camping trip. But there were other things as well. Blankets, mom's winter coat, gloves, and other things they didn't use for camping. A sawed off lay underneath some stuff in the back seat, that wasn't camping stuff either. Neither could the boy figure out why daddy told him to leave his tablet at home. Missing the pint-version of SpeedRacer, the kid fidgeted a bit, then settled down as he gazed out the back window. Up front, Cowboy patted his wife's belly. He turned onto the highway, and headed west.
The End.
After.., Part 18: "Honey, i'll be fine," Lana assured her husband, then added, "besides, they don't sell sunscreen."
After.., Part 17: Cowboy made a mental note, as he climbed onto his motorcycle, to see about a weed-whacker. The one he had
After.., Part 16: Lana was upstairs lying down. She, evidently, needed some space.
After.., Part 15: Nope, guess not today, Cowboy glanced at the windowsheild of his truck.
After.., Part 14: Well, that's strange, Lana pondered. No message from Gloria. Lana had texted her best friend two days ago,
and no response. She concluded, with all the strange things going on, maybe Gloria was just punting back some to sort things out. Cowboy pulled into clubhouse parking lot. As Cowboy held the door open for his mrs, they were talking about a can of paint they'd bought, and whether they should have bought two. Neither he nor she noticed the two or three glares which had, for a second or two, focused in their direction. Neither had the couple noticed that an unusual amount of time had passed before the bartender served them their usual, OleMicks on tap, and the soda for their son, who had b-lined for the racing video, which sat in a corner, nearby some tables. Both were still going on about that paint - that the ceiling would look better with a slightly different color. "And did you see that...well, I'm not sure what it was, over by the..."
Needless to say, it was any wonder Cowboy no longer chose to remain in the truck while his mrs ran inside. The fries were done, Lana took the boat over to one of the tables. A few minutes had passed. The boy ran over to his dad, asking him for some change. "Honey, eat your fries first," Lana glanced at the boat, untouched, "then you can..."
What was that all about? Some terse murmurs a few seats away, came from a source, not normally given to "moods." But that was the thing: thing's weren't normal. And, of all things..! Sonny and Cheryl were splitting up. Lana had heard about it, last week, while in the laundry needs aisle. Overheard it, to be more precise. Lana wasn't one to traffic in gossip, but neither did she care for the possibility that, perhaps, she was intentionally being left out of the loop. Anyway, seemed that way.
Above the bar, a basketball player was just about to make a shot, that would either make or break his team's (yes, this was the vintage league - also, waay out of the loop of winning any regional - let alone, national recognition) winning the game... Anyway, groans erupted around the bar, when the game was rudely preempted by some overly primped-up talking-head.
The game however was like majically forgotten as soon as talking-head dropped a certain name. Almost the dozen or so individuals in the place, were fixated.
"Bummer." Lana mouthed. She liked basketball, and catching atleast part of a game, was a pleasant treat during her busy weekends. She had played varsity in school - that is, for about half the season. But her shooting the hoops days, were put to the skids, when another "girl" had knocked Lana with such force, landing her in the hospital - long enough to having had seriously considered the option to repeat her junior year.
"Oh ...fire!" Lana shook her head, disgusted with talking-face upon the screen. Upon noticing her son was no longer playing Race-Champion, or whatever that thing was called, but was instead glued to that airbrushed "image" on the tv...oh no and NO! She calmly, but immediately, arose out of her seat, and went over to her boy, to chat him up about racing, or whatever he wanted to talk about.
Cowboy noticed some daggery eyes launched at his wife's back. Women! He scratched his forehead. As he reached in his pocket for his phone, he happened to notice, no one else seemed to be browsing upon there's, alone flashing pics of engines, bikes, babes...whatever, to the guy sitting beside him.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
After..,Part 13: Lana settled back, after a busy day, to catch an episode of her favorite tv program. "HomeWorld," it was a
home reno, where the viewers were treated to seeing how cramped spaces could be made over. Just when the old kitchen cabinets - which really looked okay - were being carted out, there came a knock at the front door. From within the other room, the viewers could hear the program's host greeting the home's owner.
The program cut to a commercial, followed by another, and still another. That was, just five minutes after the previous commercial break. Anyway, how that kitchen would turn out, Lana wanted to see. Finally, the commercials over - well, until another five or six minutes had passed - the home's owner stepped into the kitchen; behind him trailed ... something wearing some sort of dog-collar, or whatever. Disgusted, Lana clicked to another channel.
Behind her, she heard the soft thud of a kitchen cupboard door being opened. Sounded like the one above the counter, where she kept the snacks. Cowboy then entered the living room; in his hand, a canister of mixed nuts.
"Lots of them on tv tonight." Lana moved the clicker from the coffee table, to the end table right next to her husband's recliner.
After.., Part 12: Lana wheeled her cart, that contained a few items her family needed, toward the checkout. On the way,
After.., Part 11: A young child eyed the pastry case as his parents ushered him toward a booth further down the thi aisle.
Doyle, Jr. was deciding on either the chocolate cake or the custard pie, and maybe some cookies on the side. Some moments later, the family seated, the boy took a sip of his soda; his parents read off one of the two menu-copies, while enjoying their coffee, they'd be given by the waitstaff person. The other copy lay unopened. The boy already knew what he wanted.
The staff-person appeared with an electronic tablet in one hand, and a pot of real coffee in the other. Both parents wanted basically the same thing, roast beef - one with fries, the other with rice. "And what would you like?" The staffer, smiled at the boy?
"Custard cake," the boy announced, with anticipation. Whatever item within the case that was, needless to say, both Cowboy and his Mrs, both rolled their eyes. "Honey, food before sweets," his mother's soft gentle voice then voiced a hot sandwich and a side from the regular menu - mammabear didn't generally care for kiddie-menu selections. She just didn't.
The meal was followed up with another round of coffee, a glass of milk for Jr. While the parents conversed over a shared slice of key lime pie, their son enjoyed an ice-cream cone.
Seated a few tables over, a smartly dressed, slender woman, in her early 50s stirred a plateful of fruit, laying in a bed of greens. She glowered at the family. That man...! Daggers shot out from the woman's eyes directly at the lard-arse he was sitting close beside. Ellen was livid. She had spent good money on that pic she'd sent - twice.
After.., Part 10: The election had been close, though cowboy still had mixed feelings about it.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
After.., Part 9: "Ellen perused the suits hanging in her closet. She had overslept a bit and
After.., Part 8: "Son, you stay close to your mother, ya hear?"
The four year old, heard loud and clear, his father's unspoken words, that if he wandered off, even a few paces...his hiney would know about it, real quick. His dad disappeared for a moment into the crowd of queues waiting to order either/or funnel cakes, nachos, sno-cones, meatball subs, walking salads... "Mom," the boy pointed at an ice-cream truck. "Can I have a..." The boy's mom, tightening her grip just a bit, on her son's hand, as the crowd began pulling in another direction. "No honey, we're gonna get supper first, when daddy gets back." The boy wrinkled his face. He wasn't interested in having to eat, and finish, a fishwich or a burger; he just wanted a big cone of cookies-n-cream.
Something wasn't right, and she'd seen it in her husband's eyes, here of late. He'd been acting different. And whatever was the big deal was, about her having arrived home a bit late from wally-world? Man, he was starting to sound like that guy on u-teevee. And yet, she knew her husband well enough to know, there was something...well, creepy going on.
Hardly five minutes passed when her husband reappeared. "Let's get some grub," cowboy extended his hand toward a pulled-pork vendor. The family headed in that direction.
At the other end of the food area, Ellen was on the lookout for unaccompanied children. She had spotted and began to track a rather unkempt little boy, but as her luck - here of late - would have it, the boy's equally unkempt father found him, and whacked his bottom, for having wandered off. The two then headed toward one of the food lines.
The parade would begin in about an hour. And the pickings would be even less, since the little b*tards would be with a parent, or parents - their young eyes focused on the baton twirlers, drummers, trumpeters, clowns, and a fleet of theme floats.
After.., Part 7: Meanhile, back at the skimpy-portion party, Ellen was again left standing.
After.., Part 6: Meanwhile, across town, and up in the woods alittle ways, another party was getting started.
After.., Part 5: Of course, everyone knew Sty's party was but a stepping stone, and
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
After.., Part 4: Doyle, though Ellen wasn't quite sure, but anyway, he'd been real fun, but she hoped he'd been gone,
After.., Part 3: "Wuh-ho!" Ellen stared at the little cash-calf, who was sobbing not far from where a community group was handing out free
After..., Part 2: Ellen texted a newer partner. Meet me. There was no need to detail where, or even when. Both had a similar purpose. Both needed
After the Queue, Part 1: The little coffee shop, was a bit pricey, but hey,
the $7-some - for a six-ouncer - kept out most the free-queues. Ellen typed a response into her laptop. With enough time before an upcoming meeting, she had ordered a sandwich. An email popped into her in-basket. She saw who it was from, and would respond a bit later - per the title, let alone any of its contents, the subordinate was becoming a bit familiar. Later, perhaps, following the meeting, Ellen would have a little talk with the clerk's boss.
Ellen's stomach let out a soft groan, but loud enough to cause her some embarrassment - a suit, from a nearby table, glanced over. She continued with her work.
Ellen had come a long way, over the past few years. She now occupied one of the corner offices - thanks to a little jittery here, and a little more pokery over there. It was as if, the career path went all clear, not long after that particular Monday; the one on which Joyce didn't show up for work. Typical n*, Ellen still scoffed.
Never mind, Dear Reader, Joyce had been with the firm for about 30 years, and the only other time she had neither shown, nor called was when her husband had suddenly passed. Needless to say, Joyce had been a mess for awhile, but her co-workers had her back. Thing is - and any of us would be astounded at the rather sudden changes, not long after the disappearance. And yeah, it's not wise to either capitalize, nor put quotes around that d* word - sometimes, web-bots seem to get carried away. Anyway, our villain hasn't had a bite since around 6am.
The plain-brown-wrapper finally arrived. Without looking up, Ellen noticed a red sliver with white on top. "I SAID, NO TOMATO OR MAYO. ARE YOU DEAF?"
The plain-brown murmured a fear-full apology.
"Well, take it back, and bring me a LIGHTLY TOASTED bagel with some LOW-FAT cream cheese. Can you MANAGE THAT, without FU...?" Outside, a jackhammer drowned out the obscenity, with was followed up by a certain two-syllabled blasphemy. "AND make it snappy!"
"Yes maam." The tired waitperson scurried away.
By the way, Dear Reader, back in '23 - maybe '24 - in this very same location, a similar outburst had taken place. Difference then, and now, was striking. Then, most of the other patrons were upset with the patron voicing a tantrum over what! A stupid sandwich. Back then, it was usual for atleast one or two of the other diners to voice a "Dude, (or dudess) what's yer problem?" But that was then. The other patrons either ignored the scene, or snickered a bit - at the waitperson's expense...of course.
An economist-wannabe, slouched at a corner table piped up something along the lines of ..."gedda bot." Shure! That, Dear Reader, was the proverbial, six-of-one, and a-half-dozen-of-the-other - a very telling statement. While America still used the old English form of measurement, more than a few had to stop a moment, and think about what constituted a dozen.
In short, the typical person living during the pandemic, would have been surprised at everyday life a decade and some after covid. For one thing, the whys, and the hows the thing started...? Well, nobody really cared. The guy or gal stepping off the time-machine, would notice - that, on the surface, things appeared the same. No cars and trucks flying above; no touring out to Jupiter, or beyond. People still carted around their laptops, and texted on their smart-phones.
Downtown Haarsburg happened to be noted for a certain school, one which about any parent would have been proud of their child's attending. The school boasted of - get this - an 80% graduation rate.
One change, however, was the birthrate. Down around .8-ish - statisticians weren't projecting any improvements any time soon.
Back in the employees' restroom, just off from the kitchen, the waitperson glanced in the mirror. A spot right in the middle of his forehead. He wrinkled one side of his lips. "Did people purposely step on ketchup packets?" He dampened a paper towel, and wiped it off. "Silly question." His left hand, however, had a mark which no amount of soap and water could ever remove. A stupid tat he had gotten...well, he couldn't recall, except it had been, back in the day, at some weekend keg-party.
Viv, Epilogue - About a year or so later. The recently unemployed custodian parked her car outside an ATM kiosk, and withdrew the remainder
of her funds - some $457. Nearby, a lenghtening queue of people were either mumbling, grumbling, and in general impatiently jostling one another. While up front, people leaving the temporary set-up, were all smiles, as they flashed to one another their newly acquired "ezy scan."
"Mommy? Where we goin?"
"Somewhere nice Baby, somewhere..." The out-of-work, and ineligible-for-UC ex-janitor pulled out onto the street, turned onto the highway, and headed west. Fortunately, there was enough gas to get her and her child half way to a place, a certain small midwestern town, that she had heard about.
The End.
Viv, Part 6: She glanced over to where the hot-tub had, until recently, had sat - for awhile,
Viv, Part 5: would be so easy to blame the staff, for the general malaise of the place, but
that reaction was only the half, if that, of it. Viv wasted little time toward finishing "Jackie." How long did the volume sit, forgotten, upon the library shelf? She had checked it out, only a few days ago - during two or three days of the period, she had been unable to read it, due to a medical condition...that was yet, another mystery. Anyway, two other guests - one, Betty (or was it Bea?...not that it mattered, Viv kept a wide berth). It was as if, there were more than just the typical few individuals who, upon seeing someone actually enjoy something...well, that had to stop.
Betty, or Bea, or whatever, wasn't the typical meanie - mean was something Viv could handle reasonably well... after all, she had spent her sophmore, and part of her junior year at an inner city school. No, the woman down the hall, not only sneered at...well, about anything, there was something creepy about her. Move over Madeline O'Hair.
Viv was still upset about Edna's missing sweater. And no, she didn't think it disappeared down that corridor. Needle in a haystack, stuff was filched, just business as usual - except, it seemed to Viv, the thefts had ramped up some, over the past year or so. While the general health of the residents was ramping down.
Viv, even now, had no time for internet conspiracy theories. She had, for years, heard bits and pieces of what was impolitely coded as "offloading." And yet, she couldn't help but to partially believe it - being that some rather weird situations/restrictions going on around her.
Anyway, Viv had to either get another plant for the sill, or just get hold of another plan. The heart-shaped leafy plant was dying - guess a few too many of those redish pills pushed beneath the plant's soil were taking its toll.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Max, Part 12: Oh, that's just peachy, he glanced at the sign on the door of the phone shoppe - they too, merged with some big-box, inconveniently located
out on Route Crazy-cruise. And, of courssse, he'd have to drive all the way out there. Not tonight. Max was tired, and just wanted to go home. Driving toward the strip-mall's parking exit, up ahead was a one of those donation boxes - which sat not far from a gas-n-go. As usual, the metal box - where people could donate "Clothing and Shoes Only - Please" - was surrounded by non-textile...junk basically. One such item was a plastic chair, with half a leg missing; beside that was an old tv - one of those bulky pre-flatscreen ones. And some other stuff.
There at l one end, it, sat a box. Something, Max couldn't explain, bade him to stop. The box was overflowing with, what appeared to be, old books. The cardboard box was half waterlogged, since it had rained somewhat earlier in the day. While the lighting wasn't too great in this particular area, especially with the fog, he somehow recognized, the books were worthy of a quick look. He approached the saggy cardboard, pulled out his phone and clicked it on, to shed enough light.
From what he could see, atleast some of them were Bibles - Real Bibles, not those things are are chock full of commentaries, at the expense of Scripture. He switched off the light, put up the hood of his jacket, opened up the back of his van - and for some reason, the overhead light did not kick on. It had also quit on him a few nights previous - probably had to do with that stupid pot-hole, that probably won't get fixed anytime soon. He made a mental note to either replace the bulb or tighten the connection, or both.
But for now, the power failure was a blessing. He loaded the books, got into his van, and quietly headed home. On the way, he glanced in his rear-view mirror, and just to make sure, he took a different road, then turned onto another, drove all the way out, past the State Park, then headed to town, and finally to his unit - where the books would join the boxes of kitchen and bathroom items he had yet to unpack.
Max really wasn't all that thrilled with the apartment, but considering these end-times, it really didn't matter that the unit was, upon a closer look, rather dingy.
And yeah, he missed the old place, the 1980-ish plastic tables in the common lawn area. But most of all, he missed his land-lady. She was always pleasant, and pleasant people were even more rapidly becoming rare.
He glanced at the Bibles; there were about 20 of them. If he had to move again - and that prospect had begun to take root and grow - he'd grab the Bibles, some clothes, his wallet and phone, and be rolling down the road.
Where? Max wasn't sure. But things were happening fast.
Just the other day, he passed the old apartment complex. Already, the demolition team was on-site. Word was: the few acres would be the future home of Ullr's Castle - some sort of after-hours venue; they were popping up everywhere. How they all stayed in business - considering the overhead, especially the liability, and the damages - was any body's guess.
Viv, Part 4: A few years later. Scene: "Senior Moments Village"
"Here, Edna, just put this around you." Viv offered her roommate a sweater - one of Viv's three remaining ones. Edna's warm one had "disappeared." More like, it had been five-fingered. "Seriously, what the heck!" Viv then reached for her walker, then headed out the small room, and down the rather narrow corridor.
She didn't think she'd ever get used to the smell of the place - too many people, not enough staff. And certainly not enough staff who cared to do anything beyond bare minimal. Not that Viv could blame most of the staff - the usual, overly tasked, and not paid well enough to cover things ... things like rent.
Viv passed another, typically despondent "guest." A staffer nugged by as he was in the process of taking down Yuletide decorations - the December 25th holiday was rarely referred to as "Christmas." Using that term was somewhat discouraged, since the first syllable carried a non-inclusive connotation. "Well no sheet, sherlock, where'd jua park the squadcar." Viv half muttered as she made her way to the facility's library.
Dear reader, you'd think the dump wouldn't have had anything worth reading. But speaking of trashcans, it was shortly after Viv's having been railroaded into the joint, she had found, in the metal wastebasket - the one parked over by the light switch, a Bible, a real one. Needless to say, Viv snatched it up, stuck it beneath her faded dressing-gown, and stashed it among her few remaining possessions.
Needless to say, most of Viv's nice clothing was gone - in recent years, things like cotton blouses, full skirts (especially, lined garments) fetched a goodly price. A typical pair of linen slacks (like the burgundy ones Viv once owned...hhmmm) could rather easily fetch $40, if not more. Of course, her jewelry was gone. Viv however, draw a hard line on any reason for removing her wedding band. Oh that was a story in itself - several of the "guests" thought Viv was a stuck up stick in the mud, for well, no better reason than wearing one. A woman down the hall just a short ways, had put it in, well, less than courteous terms.
Viv perused a bookshelf. And what do you know! "Jackie O!" Viv had heard of the book, but never had quite the chance of reading it. After Harry's passing, the following decades didn't leave her much time for leisure reading.
More tomorrow, it's going on 11 pm, and 5 am comes mighty quick, back in 2022.
Viv, Part 3: "Aside of your mother having not brought up the weather on her phone,
our tests indicate no evidence of memory issues." The doctor pointed to one of the pages, and began referring Viv's power-of-attorney to several others. By the way, how that legal process came about...just chalk that all down to the "mystery of iniquity." Ellen responded with various legal noises. The doctor, while evidently, not even near forty, had seen this drama unfold before. And sad to say, Dr. Sarah McDaniels, could read the writing on the wall - so could a few of her colleagues; that is, those who cared - and those numbers had been decreasing.
Having made her rounds earlier in the day. She'd stopped in to have a look at Viv. The old woman was softly snoring, her Bible rising and falling upon Viv's ample chest. Sarah, had of course, reviewed her patient's medications. One was, somehow not on the list. An oversight? Sarah's gut said no - she'd practiced medicine long enough to have learned the wisdom of not immediately writing off hunches. That particular med, was perhaps the problem. While the old woman needed to regulate...
"Doctor!" A nurse called from the hall.
Several hours later:
An orderly and one of the kitchen staff were eating supper in the little cafe, next to the gift shop. On a nearby flatscreen was a video of a robbery which had taken place just hours ago. The art-shop clerk was doa, a one customer in critical, another in stable. The two shook their heads, a friend joining them rolled his eyes. "People are crazy," he remarked, set down his tray, and began querying his buddy about the game last night.