Saturday, January 29, 2022

Social-security is a form of welfare? But wait a second, you have to work for atleast 10 years

to get even a minimum - which, no way, is even enough to buy groceries, let alone insurance.   People who get those $2,700+ checks each month (and that's barely enough, even if debt-free) worked more than the required 40 quarters, and in jobs that were well above menial/entry-level.  

Think the guy who, on a newscast, equated welfare with social-security had opted out of it years ago.  Meanwhile, a certain King James Bible preacher - who also knows a bit on how the real world operates (because he lived and WORKED there for a time - rather tongue-in-cheek, warned against this opting out - guess he had run into people who had done that, and now at, things weren't going so well.

If i'm not mistaken, Pastor Barry (who WORKED for years building houses) knows a pastor who, after he couldn't preach anymore due to health issues, subsists in a 5-wheel soda can - they leak heat like nobody's business.   Needless to say, Pastor Barry wasn't one to shake the plate at his small congregation - some of whom were barely scraping by.  

i remember dick pulling out a $10 for the plate.  That may not seem much, but the guy was like 80, and didn't have much.  He had to live with his daughter, and boy was she a bitch; UGLY! all over him, because the little marine was about to bite into a small piece of cake.  Yeah, i know about diabetes and all, but that slice was hardly a 2-inch square. 

Guess news guy didn't get the email concerning elder abuse, either.

Anyway, news-guy was basically going on that old people are a bunch of welfare recipients.  His solution?  Sandwich the (40-something) kids.


The kids, who are helping out their folks, (and not creating church-house drama) also have their own kids to provide (college) for - and some five or ten years left on the mortgage.   

And, by the way, if social security is welfare, then the HMOs - that working people pay into - are medicaid.

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