Earlier in the day, while the pot pie was slow cooking, she and the boy had run over to that ... that dive to visit gram. Well, among other things, the place had belched up yet another sheet policy. No Children. "What the ef!" Lana had barely touched her dinner, and not long after, had gone upstairs. There was more, gram wasn't doing well, was only a matter of time. Cowboy had his suspicions, but now wasn't the time. And besides, his wife didn't have POA - that was in the hands of a certain family member, who seemed far more concerned about the old woman's money - not like Edna had anything, save for a fund to be put into a big-box, when the time came.
"Whoosh." the boy's voice came from the kitchen, followed by other battle noises. He and the other mighty men were on the march to slay some philistines - or was it edomites? Cowboy wasn't sure, but the next noise was, evidently, whatever enemies victory. Apparently, Doeg - or whatever his name was - had opened that certain cupboard door, just alittle...but enough to trip up the young warrior, sending him crashing into that rickety stand by the window. Boxes, bowls, and whatever else clattered to the floor - along with, evidently, something made of glass.
Oh brother, Cowboy arose from his livingroom seat.
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