Thursday, January 6, 2022

After.., Part 12: Lana wheeled her cart, that contained a few items her family needed, toward the checkout. On the way,

she ducked into an area where tanning lotions had recently been put on display.  There, she wrote out most of a check, so that when it was her turn, the transaction would go quickly.  People seemed to be growing more disgruntled and impatient by the day; during a recent visit to the super-store, some ugly words had been fired at some old guy better reason than having taken a few seconds too long in reaching for his bill-fold.  Lana just wanted to get home.  Being out was becoming more a chore, navigating through surly faces.

"Oh, what th..," she groaned, rounding a corner.  Before her, a display - having been placed, intentionally jutting out to attract purchase of the ... really money-pit item.  Well, the set-up had gone down with a crash, after a child had apparently brushed against it.  Oh the words which spewed out from the poor kid's parent.  Sure, kids crazy-make, but come on.  

Lana got in the queue.  As per usual, over half the registers were unoccupied.  It would be awhile.  And no point in striking up a chat with anyone - those days had also  "disappeared" ... along with..."What the heck is this!" Lana muttered, as she began reading an overhead statement, following "ATTENTION SHOPPERS!"  

If Lana hadn't of known any better, she'd be certain, the policy was merely put in place, specifically to punish customers who preferred to pay with cash.  But mrs cowboy was no dummy, while she wasn't quite sure of the policy's rationale - if there even was one - whatever, the cause, it was bad news.  Bad news, fixing to get worse.  That much she knew.

Anyway, the stupid policy would go into effect March 1st.  Lana glanced over to where a display of heart-shaped chocolates had been sold - an opened box of the same sat at home, upon one end of their buffet.  The store area now displayed various GaiaDay chocolates and small furry toys.  What was with cute little bunnies having creepy green eyes, anyway?

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