a soldier ricocheting out the door. Oh boy, Pellet grinned - having seen that guy before, in same place, same condition - a flogging waiting to happen. Pellet wanted to stick around, egg it on, and watch (the soldier's commanding officer was nearby, and looked mad about something) but Pellet didn't have time.
And something was troubling him, as if things were too good to be true. He stifled it and continued on. He slowed down some, approaching the library, when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Dirt Bag. Drats! It was best to give Bag a wide berth; Bag was a brownnoser extraordinaire - had connections all the way down. Needless to say, Bag didn't want to change hosts. He enjoyed the stoic lifestyle - they ate fruit and low-fat bread. No beer, no dope, and no junk food. And certainly, no offensive vapors.
Pellet detested earthly food, gross how it came out. But if you wanted a host... Pellet had pondered this nutrition thing, but oh, didn't discuss it with any of the other demons, because sharing observations about everyday things, somehow would end up twisted into something very else. And it wasn't like Pellet was the only demon to end up bound and belly down ... over nothing really.
So, Pellet kept his observations to himself. Frankly, he could only conclude this food intake (which was gross too) and elimination process was clear evidence that the Most High God wasn't all that, with apple slices on a bed of lettuce. Pellet's ponderings were abruptly southended.
Outside a healer's shop, a horse which apparently had a belly load of 3rd rate feed, had suddenly let loose. Pellet gagged so violently, he veered off course, and came dangerously close to Valour. Yikes!
Valour, one of the Lord God's angels, was heading in the direction of a borrowed tomb (Pellet had snickered upon hearing that little detail), where Jesus Christ's dead body had been interred. Pellet scratched a matty tuft on his head, What's the point, guarding a corpse? Wasn't like Jesus was in any condition to get up, and from inside, roll the stone away - the thing had to have weighed a few tons.
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