Monday, January 24, 2022

Browsing the tract-rack over at church - the one i go to now. No longer go to the other church, because

Pastor had to close it, due to his health.  Anyway, notice a pattern, concerning tracts.  Few of them really hit me.  But yesterday, had the following thought as to why:  think most tracts are written by people who've gone to church, about every Sunday (if not Wednesdays too) since early childhood.  People who had things going on, and so had very little to no time for smoking, drinking, running around, and other such time-waste stuff. 

People, who at fifteen and sixteen, already knew that pot parties lead nowhere.  People who, in high-school, took their studies seriously, because they - as teens - knew that most times, the so-called "cool" kids end up going down the drain around 40-something, in some dingy postage-stamp, where the walls are thin, and the neighbors are sullen...on a good day.

Yeah, church people are called "goody-goodies," but seeing the age 50+ folks park their nice worry-free cars, and hearing them chat about their comfortable lives (can ya spell the wisdoms of Proverbs?  It's all about working diligently and saving, not blowing).  Anyway, looking around, calls the question:  Who's "cool" now?

Anyway, back to the tracts.

i didn't grow up in church.  And neither did alot of other people.  Made alot of really stupid decisions back then - so have alot of other people.  As for the stoners and such, they're people too - and the Lord Jesus wants them to come to Him, for a new heart, and an eternal home with Him in His kingdom.  

As for the tracts, the kind that (oh yeah, King James Biblically) speak to screw-ups like me, and others, will keep looking.

Anyway, break's over.  


  1. I think you're right on about the literature being written by someone who doesn't understand that everyone is on a different journey.

  2. Dear Kathy G, and many of these people had grown up in loving families, and so had been taught how to avoid unsavory people. So, they've not been bitten by those snakes - and cannot understand people who have.
