Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Viv, Part 6: She glanced over to where the hot-tub had, until recently, had sat - for awhile,

"OUT OF ORDER."   Word was, there had been nothing wrong with it.  Maybe it was costing too much.  Anyway, Fred having died it its warm swirly embrace...well no sheet, sherlock!  Viv switched off the treadmill, and glanced up at the clock.  It was after six, and the exercise facility closed at 7pm - but, in reality, the residents were usually chased out by around half past.  She heard Chester turn on the water in his stall.  Viv had long gotten used to gender-inclusive facilities...

Wait a second - except for that incident over at the mall some years back.  That was no mere guy who enjoyed wearing peasant dresses - the style was gorgeous.  What was probably a few minutes later, Viv had come to - her purse gone and two ribs broken.  

Anyway, Chester wasn't really in any condition to steal pocketbooks, and probably hadn't busted anybody's ribs since his college football days.  

Viv turned on her shower.  Grateful that atleast this place had individual stalls.  While over at The Pines - a rather upscale place, the showers were all in one large room.  Oh, no no no!  

Hardly a half hour later:

"Oh, what the ..." the obscenity was drowned out by the woosh of sweeper upon the indoor/outdoor carpet.  "Someone just left the shower run, and all their stuff sit."  The overworked custodian pulled out her work-phone, and sent out a text that a resident may be wandering around, buck naked.  The tired custodian's attention was drawn to a small object laying near the drain panel.  

The custodian really didn't want to, but things going on - the car needed tires and her child had just broke another pair of glasses, and the usual uphill things.  The wedding ring disappeared into a back pocket.

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