Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Per another gush-fest, on another blog ... enough time has elapsed, that i think it okay to elaborate.

It was like either the last day of this past October, or maybe November 1st - all's i know is, it was just maybe two or three days before Election Day.  There was an all-show, no-shoe-leather video-cast.  Little did i know, it would be the last one (not that i had watched any others - just didn't...too fakey).  But one thing did seem quite evident (hey, am nobody's judge - just describing what i saw, and what i know as fact).  Anyway, the woman co-host (and blog owner) in the video had shape-shifted.  Hard to describe such a thing, but am not yet (and might not be anytime soon) comfortable with elaborating on the change, but will say this: it was creepy enough.   

Will also say, a few weeks previous...boy howdy, out shot a few sets of fangs, and they were a snapping.  Snarling over...what a sensible person would simply, quietly ignore/delete.  Looking back, frankly, i cannot help but to conclude, some semi-hidden agendas - among her gush-groupies - had manifested themselves.  And, given the blog-owner's circumstances, don't think the drama was warranted.  If they were friends...yeah, right ;/  Anyway, never mind the reality, that if you're going to be posting your personal business on the net, don't be surprised if someone posts a comment you don't like.  Duh!  

Still gushing away over there, over ms.volunteeeerr. Oh, i don't know, but think honor

is better placed on people who quietly go about their business.  Sorry, (NOT) but the old biddy - who dropped out of several committees from one (and perhaps another related) org then flew (on her broom?) to another org... Uh, what really happened?  Was the jig up?  In other words, did an underlying agenda finally surface?  That happens, a profiler can do her thing, unnoticed, for years - for decades.  Then all of a sudden, the mask slips...oh just a bitty-bit, and it doesn't take long for the loose ends to come together.

Yeah, my borderline suspicious nature is questioning again.  Per a recent post, on this blog, as far as orgs go, tried that - and it didn't take overly long to notice that (especially, women's) orgs are basically ego-boo b.s.

If you want to come home to a snow-free driveway,

then pay someone.  Sure, it's no fun to work two jobs, then come home tired, and looking forward to your pillow - only to realize there's snow to be shoveled (because snow that sits, gets hard).   Kids these days aren't exactly out looking to pick up a $20 here or there for an hour's worth of shoveling - it's cold outside, and besides two or three $20s...that is, if boomers are willing to pay that reasonable amount...  Call kids lazy?  Naah, prefer to call kids savvy.  Kids already know how dern cheapskate old people can be; why hassle for occasional change (this isn't vermont, where it snows heavy half the year) and freeze your behind off, when you could be inside texting/watching a video?

Yeah, having someone else clear the snow costs money - especially if your driveway is more than a few car-lengths long.  It's called the cost of doing business, and calls to be included in the monthly budget.  Expect this winter's snow-removal total to be around $350.  And it's SO worth it - all i need worry about are the walk-ways and a wide path down to the pole-barn.  Oh, and the mailboxes - neighbor has enough to deal with...nuf said.  

"I rarely post comments." Uh, sounds more like the old, "I don't watch tv." Yet, the person seems to know

whatever game-show, drama or sit-com is about and what day and time.  Don't recall where i heard or read that statement ("things that make ya go hhmmm...") about tv, but it made me chuckle.  

But back in tv days, you could have the set on channel whatever - where two guys were droning on about a political candidate's stand on whatever, and not even be in the livingroom listening to the discussion.  Each year or so, you'd get a program-ratings mailing, that you'd fill out and send back - or simply pitch it in the trash. 

So different nowadays.  The technology is so precise, a person's every click can be recorded.    So, acting accordingly, i may be curious about this and that, but am careful about searching out whatever.  And even so, for the most part (like 97-some percent of the time) have to ask myself, is whatever set of statements even partially true?  And so, with questions like that, from the very get-go, can only conclude, it's not worth the bother.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Never met Jane - and, frankly, don't want to either. Really, one of the other two musketeer-etts was going on about

Jane's totally white-space countertops...ya know, everything just ever so.  Not like the worked-in kitchens of us regular folks.  Here's the deal:  Jane is a widow, whose circumstances are solid - she doesn't have to work.  Unlike the other two musketeer-etts - one long divorced, and the other fixing to go through a gray one.  Sorry, but i smell an ego-boo agenda, on Jane's part, and so, am quite alright staying a.w.a.y!  

And yeah, it's nice to have a few (a few) acquaintances, to do an occasional (very occasional) lunch at the local diner - that is when all this stupid mask (hypochondriac) drama is finally behind us.  Hhmm, that is if the wickeds at the top don't concoct some other molecular brew to keep us faceless, but anyway...

Gramma told me long ago, marrieds are better to keep company with other marrieds - and so, conclude the same goes with other life circumstances.  Otherwise, there can be, and usually is, drama - if not active, then just waiting (perhaps, patiently, for years) to happen.  Uhm, thanks, but i'll pass.  Btw, Gram and Gramps were right about ALOT of things.

Yes, i have a careful, bordering-on-suspicious, nature.  In this fallen world, people will get over on you if you give em half a chance.  i am glad the Lord does not expect us to go gadding about - and that He is fine with women who choose to keep at home.  In other words, it's not a sin to go work, then come right home; it's not a sin to go for groceries, stop at the hardware store then come right home - and not leave until it's time for church.  His Bible warns us to be very cautious about who we socialize with.

Seriously, the last time i met a woman with whom i wanted to possibly be friends with - she said that people should read their Bibles, so the interest in Scripture (seasoned KJB preachers can hear a Scripture from the guy over at the feed store, and come away thinking, wow, never thought about that.  Must have read that Scripture 100 times...)  Anyway, knew i probably would not see her for awhile, because she belonged to another church.  But i was glad to have met her.

Well, turns out, she shape-shifted very much so - evidently, both inward and outward.  She was not only no longer interested, she was downright hostile.  i asked if her father had two daughters, and was told no.  

Inspired by ms.volunteer-all-over-town? Nah, more like suspicious. Back in the day,

when i had joined this or that organization...didn't take me overly long to start noticing things.  Things i wasn't smart enough to articulate, but whatever, something was off.  Over at the sallyanne, one of the volunteers was asking nosy questions at some poor dude who just wanted something to eat.  There was a woman at my old job who also volunteeeered - don't remember the specific details, but she was telling me something about one of the people she was (supposedly) helping.  Yeah, she was helping alright - helping herself into getting off making high-brow remarks to some poor guy.

A year or so previous, while at a meeting for another (and so NOT even remotely Christian) organization.  Well some politician was speaking, but he left his briefcase in his car, and so the hostess had her 8-ish year old boy run out and fetch it.  No biggie - except for one itty-bitty detail:  the lightening storm was ferocious.  Seriously!  Hhmmm...  Needless to say, began thinking differently about what that org stood for.  You betcha, the woman's place was spacious, gorgeous and spotless; had the boy not been there, you wouldn't have known she had a young  son. 

The first org i joined, (at like the tender age of 22) only lasted a year.  It was a community-based org.  When those snooty broads (delicately) said they were dead set against the construction of an apartment unit for low-income old people and for handicapped individuals, didn't go to the next meeting, nor any after.  Membership 

And yeah, i'd be a bit on guard if a low-income housing unit was being built in my neighborhood; it's not 1980 anymore, back then, you could get kicked out of your tax-payer funded apartment if you brought strange people in and partied loud all night.  Then again, when your 65 and broke, or 35 and can't just get up and stroll on down to the liquor-barn, how many wicked parties are you going to be hosting? 

More later, have stuff to do.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Age discrimination happens, because employers want young people - who won't ask too many questions, but this post isn't really about that.

Come to think of it, a lady from church - who went to college for an accounting degree - had told me, many employers expect their new-hires to just hit the specialized ground running.  Know the job, like you've been there for a couple of years - even though your first day was last October-something.  Roll with the constant, if not just plain conflicting, changes like it's no big deal - like relentless change is invigorating.  

Never mind Jeremiah was serious about walking the old paths - why, that impertinent...who does the Lord think he is?...nerve of him sending that old crusty rep...oh that old dusty suit...quick, james, bring me my flavored sparkle water and put on that ohmm cd - the one with the birds and the ocean.  That will be all, james.

But anyway, aside from the fact that most (not all) older people are less inclined to do the stupid things they did years staying out too late on weeknights, getting in with some rather unsavory types (who flatter themselves with titles such as "badass" (gag me with a spoon :/ ), blowing leave earned and paychecks - instead of saving and paying the bills right away.  Stupid things have a way of following people to peter j pan calling to bellyache about...something wrong with the internet.  Uhm, could be the slacker-surf could stand to, at the very least, ride over to (but don't hold your breath).

Aside of all that, sensible, responsible older people are faced with a glaring fact-of-life at the workplace - one which they can only do so much about.   Like, being busy and quickly grabbing that box of big envelopes from the storage closet - which of course was underneath something else.  Such is office life.  Well, that smarted, and the heating pad was hours away, and on the other side of  a cold wait for the commute bus.  Report it?  Nuh-uh - don't want people to know about any ache or pain; they might conclude it has something to do with age.

Being older and (by the Lord's grace) careful with leave hours earned, still the glaring fact remains:  when you're 30-something, icy spots don't scare you. When you're 60-something, you seriously consider either calling in late, or just calling off.  

Well, it's almost ten, and way past this old lady's bedtime.

Guess am very influenced by public school education - their (very secular) warnings of over-population.

One of the preachers i (most times) enjoy listening to, has seven children - and he and his wife have been (somewhat rudely) questioned as to whether their youngest will be their last-born.  Being polite, he says that he and his wife don't know.  Nevermind, the question is really nobody else's dern beeswax, but anyway, he and his wife believe the number of children a couple has is the Lord's call.  The children's ages range from early infancy to seventeen-ish.

Seven kids!  That's alot.  Was thinking about their grocery runs.  Has to be two full size carts per week.   Just one breakfast probably goes through atleast a dozen eggs and a few more, two pounds of bacon, a loaf of bread, a two sticks of butter, about a half dozen apples cut up, a gallon of milk, a half gallon of juice - about $35 in groceries.  That's just  one breakfast of good quality food - not the cheap crap.  Lunch would probably consist of two pounds of cold cuts, a loaf of bread, a large bag of potato chip$, a gallon of milk - about $40.  One typical supper would probably consist of three pounds of good hamburg, three pounds of potatoes, three pounds of broccoli, one large loaf of bread, the other two sticks of butter, another gallon of milk - about $45.  Yeah, bet snacking is limited.  So, just basic groceries probably run at least $125-ish per day times seven days, equals $875 - and then there's things like laundry soap and cleaning products.  Brain tired, bet the weekly grocery bill runs $1k - that's $52k annually.  

Yep, first thing crossed my mind was the co$t, and two or three routine home maintenance issues the preacher had mentioned - and no, the only thing he fishes for, are souls for Jesus Christ.  But anyway, having been taught, again and again, of the adverse impact that we are having on the planet, a part of me asks (not that it's any of my business) why did the couple not practice natural family planning?  That's a system where, during the first week or two after the wife's monthly, the wife takes care to keep herself covered - not wear to bed, that long drapey, but very sheer, nightgown.  And the husband takes cold showers.  

(Yeah, nfp was rough at times, but my husband and i... had some very secular interests.)  Interests like, not having to sweat over those routine, but unexpected expenses.  And here is exactly where the secular mindset remains SO intrenched.  Having atleast enough money to keep the lights on and the car running (to get to work and back) ... uhm, "responsible" ... oh yeah, that can easily, real easily, become an idol - like a giant bu-duhh  statue, hogging up the livingroom. 

Have heard people go on about having faith and joy...and i'm thinking!  She is looking at the very real possibility of losing her home (to no-fault THEFT - plain. and. simple!) and that minimum wage job, which she likes, isn't going to to get it.  In the fallen  world-as-is, homegirl needs to get herself a real job - and that's not easy when you're 50-something, with only "housewife" on your resume.   

So, i get a bit sideways when the quiver-full brethren go on about how women should stay home.  No, don't want to cause discord.  Neither do i want to simply simper, and look the other way, as young women enter what could prove to be a trap - one that won't spring until two or three decades passes, when it's like too freaking late.

Too late, because, come around 60-something, fingers and shoulders are known to ache.  Eight hours, monday through friday, even at a nice job, come evening, can leave you tired.  Can still remember gram, she had a good job - one that required using your noggin (ledger analyst).  Shortly before she retired (at 62) i remember her being so tired, especially in the winter - and she didn't have to deal with snow and ice removal; grampa, in his suit and overcoat, dealt with that, on those january mornings. 

More later.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Mask signs. Had noticed, eleven months ago, when they majically appeared,

the submissive look on the covered faces.  The eyes, either closed, or looking down.  How telling.  Yeah i get it, nobody wants it (covid).  So, it's only good manners to don a mask before entering whatever building / being around people.

The other day, was crossing the street.  There weren't many people around - most are working from home (and due to computer security issues, making a pre-covid days slow process, even slower).  Anyway, with nobody close, i didn't have my mask up - and neither did the individual heading my way.  We both turned our faces away from each other.  Sad.  Had we both been masked, wouldn't have made much difference, being faceless.  

In pre-covid days, in muslim lands, only women are denied faces.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Saw a comment on another blog, and there was a mean spirit about it - and no, had nothing to do with the election.

Sounded red-pill.  He was going on about a "post-wall" relative - how she was a (oh horrors) feminist, and how she should not be around the little girls, unsupervised - because, well, she might say something about how important it is to study in school, get good grades, so as to eventually have credentials to get a good job - one that pays well enough, for not only independent living (if need be) but affords savings for rainy days.  Yeah, that sort of subversive advice to impressionable little girls. 

Uh, sounds like good old-fashioned common sense.  But anyway, red-pills have a creepy way about them - regardless who they voted for last November.   It's like they get their jollies in mocking any unmarried woman over 40 - like she's a box of whatever that's past the expiration date.   Well, in a related Christian broadcast, coming directly from the qwiverful party, the preacher/newscaster had briefly discussed a certain statistic - and i doubt the 1/3ish figure just happened last thursday.  But what the red-pill and the Christian broadcaster both had to say, may be related to another stat - in a few short years, it is estimated that almost half of women, between their early 20s and early 40s will remain unmarried.

The 1/3 fig from the Christian broadcaster, focused upon men, between their 20s and into their 60s.  About one out of three are not employed.  Granted, people do work under the table - yeah, talk to  Tina about that ...those reprobates...messed her over.  

Anyway, with so many guys either not working, or working so few hours ... and red-pill's mocking the single women?  Ya think there might be a reason why shirley (who, okay, could stand to lose a few pounds) would like to meet a decent fella but is in no way desperate enough to foot anyone else's issues/addictions.  

Yaay shirley, you go girl.  Yeah, she's going alright ... up to her nice office on the big-whig floor...where she has plenty of room to do her job, at a desk where the drawers actually close, and plenty of white space left over.   i'm gonna quit kvetching - don't have much workspace, but am grateful to have a job that pays well enough to put food in the frig and gas in the tank.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

If i decided to ditch faith in the real King (Jesus Christ). my only other option (holding nose) would be

belief in evolution, as fact - which doesn't even make any sense (and never really did, even back when i believed we came from a single cell, which somehow assembled the molecules, just everso...there's like a twisting line of a hundred, in the simplest of cells, and not a one can turn around or jump the line, shooting the bull with a molecule a few ones back or front).  Yep, with no God, all other options...what's the point.  But anyway, with this little thought experiment, on this little mediocre, lowest-form-of-writing blog ... some clay p*ss-potty had been on another blogger, like stink on ....  But i digress, that's what happens here.

Anyway, if i ditched faith in the one and only God, four-something million years of evolution would only prove one thing: i didn't so well in the lottery - wasn't born into the royal family (whatever that means).  Believing in evolution would mean, having every reason to be very ashamed and embarrassed for being over sixty...well, that's more than enough right there.  But there's more.  Not only being sixty-plus, but still having to get up each morning and work a full-time job (not just part-time, for sheets n giggles...or what so many boomers claim).

If i ditched the faith, then i'd be free ... to grasp ... at things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things (whatever the heck that means in a Christless excuse-for-a-universe) and to be mad/embarrassed as all heck whenever the grasping or the inevitable resorting to lying (a.k.a. fallen human condition) didn't pan out.

If i ditched the faith, i'd have a little more money (...maybe).  Ugh, no thanks.

Just saw on the news-trough an article - pictured, of course, was a boomer couple - complete with smug facial expressions.

The article went on as to how they made themselves a nice retIrement nestegg.  Yeah, the article had featured some history of previous financial struggles.  House and car payments, and the husband's child support.  Well, they tightened their belts over some years...ya know, packed lunches, cooked meals, and over time had paid off their loans.  Yay them, for bootstrapping themselves out of that drama.

But guess what!  Several years back, the couple had received a leg-up - an inheritance of forty thousand.  The article went on about their investing in the stock market.  They evidently knew what they were doing, and were financially woke enough to be able to sleep with one eye open, and walk around with an open (third?) eye in back of their heads.  

Don't know beans about the stock market, but i know that you can lose bigtime if you're not careful.  And that playing the market on your own, instead of paying a broker, can leave you broke.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

i guess Proud Boys ride motorcycles, lots of people do. Anyway, barely gave the group a thought, until

some witchiepoo has-been had made some snarkey little jibe (yep, here we go with the three year-old girl-child in soiled pull-ups...).  Anyway, somehow sparked a dream i had last night - one of those my-husband-is-still-alive ones.  In the dream, a large group of bikers had rented an outside area for a party and or function - i remember the landlady/manager of the place, she was like a biker, and not shy about this or that on the contract.  In the dream, there was something about these men - like they had purpose, it was like on their faces.  

My husband and i were there - don't know why, my husband did not own a motorcycle.  He was more a pickup-truck sort of person.  But anyway, he was among the men, guess they were talking guy/political stuff.  Meanwhile, i felt rather out of place and wanted to be elsewhere.  It's a gender thing, men and women are different.  Men generally are interested in things that women generally are not - and vice-versa.  

Monday, February 8, 2021

Irish blessing, my foot...that was a curse, on people who like our former President Donald Trump. Oh well, witchiepoos curse,

that's what they do.  Yeah, what's up with old women embracing paganIsm?  Think i have an idea why, but will get into that later.  Anyway, one of the members of the waay past-tense cheerleading squad, made a quip about a "deity" being "limp" - whether walking with one, or simply being ...  By the way, a shure fire cure for the latter is certainly NOT a grasping 60 year-old woman, but i digress ;)

Anyway, the rude comment regarding the "deity" ... oh, taka good guess Who that deity happens to Be.   The wannabe-clever remark was almost funny...almost, because it was really pathetic - like a three year-old (with a nasty load in her pull-ups) standing on a table and fixing to slap her six-foot four, two-hundred-seventy pound (and all muscle) construction-worker dad right in the jaw.  Seriously, if that broad don't repent, and get real ... ugh, bad ending, really bad.

So, what is it with old women and the witchiepoo mindset?  Sounds like plain old fashioned running from the facts - while at the same time, believing that evolution is fact.  And the fact is, if you vote for evolution - and impeach The Lord Jesus - well then, don't cry-baby because guys aren't real interested in women much over 30 - let alone 60.   Anyway, sort of digressing again, but hey, my blog.

Why the witchie nonsense?  Bible nails it.  "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,..." Samuel 1 15:23 starts off with that statement.  King Saul was getting called on the carpet by the prophet Samuel (there on the Lord's business) for not following the Lord's instructions - and that wasn't the only time King Saul landed himself in some serious dutch.

It wasn't until early last month, that i even heard of "Proud Boys." Really, had no clue...maybe that's an indication

that i need to get out more - but that ain't happening.  i'm a widow, and so getting out doesn't come off as quite appropriate.  Anyway, did a google search.  And i think i know why the Proud Boys are being accused of this and that.   For sure, the jezebels  - who are freaking and pagan-namedropping, everywhere, don't like 'em one bit.  And here's why:  according to the search, the Proud Boys are pro-masculine - it's like they think men and women are different, and are better at different things.

So what's wrong with that?  And anyway, isn't it still a free country?  Aren't we still allowed to invite some folks to non-public functions - and not invite others?  Oh wait a sec, the (imbolc, zen, ghandi, and [gaag] whatever else) namedroppers want to change all that - ya know, like they think they know best...yeah, whatever.

Break's so over, godda go :)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

So, what color-scheme will their rainbow be? And what cap-combinations will their acronyms be? Waiting for the day, when

in our large cities, a group organizes a no-to-low-cost automobile-acquisitioners' pride day.  Can see it now, the really creative floats, show-casing the latest techniques - and of course, lots of sponsors advertising and selling those "mu$t-have$."  And get your tissues (also available for purchase) and while yet at it, buy a waay overpriced t-shirt) because, here comes the awareness floats; you'll hear heart-grabbing testimonies...of harrassment from neighbors, and from the police.  

You'll hear how even non bible-thumpers cop such hostile and very anti-science attitudes toward really nice people...who are, eh,  just a bit different in their automobile-acquisition practices.  It's genetic, and scientists are getting close to identifying what could be the gene group.

You'll see different groups...uhm, it's really not polite to lump all auto jackers into one category.  The group before us prefers mini-vans; the group behind them desire muscle-cars - especially, classic models (pre-1995).  And the group behind them...uh, not sure; think they're some sort of if-it-runs...

Now, the group that just passed, oh, about 15 minutes ago, they only swipe pickups -  the big ones (not the six-cylinder).  By the way, while your ears will be treated to all sorts of gush-talk, in reality, various groups do not care for other groups.  If you get close, you're bound to hear some rather rude descriptions.  "Jap-slap?"  Yep, ya heard that one clear enough, while passing among the crowd.  Don't know exactly what it means, or what group or groups it applies to - and confusion is the name of these sorts of "acceptance" games...go figure, where that comes from ;/

Anyway, got to get ready for work.  By the way, hope none of them are into stealing clunkers.  But who knows...with so much weirdness going on these days.

Oh speak of the devil, one of those covert nasty articles appeared on the news-trough. One of those chidey smug-ars'd you-$hould-have

ten times your yearly income stashed away when entering retIrement.  First off, what dreeem-world???  Most people don't have that kind of money; most people are just thankful to retire (mostly) debt-free.  Per other articles - that don't sport a covert (but quite obvious) wicked agenda - around a third of retirees experience financial difficulties.  

Things like:  skimping on meals, because the check won't come until friday, and it's only wednesday.  Going to bed (too) early because it's warm under that electric blanket.  The space heater warms up the room just fine - in later march, but it's only early february (and another cold-snap is on the way).  As for the hobbie$, of which the mutual-admiration-old-slut-society likes to brag at each other about...not happening.  Masking isn't the issue, the gas-tank is - that is, besides the needlessly overpriced (slave-made) junk being passed off as merchandise.

By the way, even a modest inheritance is a leg up toward a reasonable financially sound retirement.  For the average 50-something couple, that twenty or thirty thousand (from pop or uncle ed) can about pay off the equity loan.  But it's no big secret, that too many (ol-duh) people are way too interested in playing rich (when they're so obviously nowhere close) and to heck with the kids (and the wife, or husband).  

Another article discussed the very real workplace age discrimination, faced by people over fifty - and especially, over sixty. Well yeah, isn't that what evolution teaches us?  Did we oldsters not push and push, and push ... for evolution to be taught to the (now in power) kids?  Did us oldsters not vote, early and often, for evolution - through movie-ticket/subscription and muuseech  purchases?  Hello!  

When you get to a certain age, yer done - so die...futha-mucka.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

That was a good article, author spelled out six spending categories, which older people think about.

Well, sober-minded (older) folks, that is.  The author, who i assume has done some research, says that retired people average about twenty percent less in spending.  He detailed six main categories.  

Work related - things like new clothing (as in, dress for success - best translated as "kissing up to the (unsaved) worldlings."  Yay, don't have to play on that chuck-holed field...and don't have to go around dragging my face because a younger person got the promotion.

Housing - well that's an area needing attention.   Repairs...could be worse, alot worse.

Health - while the title of the author's blog is rather chiding...boomers gonna be boomers.  Anyway, he did point out (something that worldlings don't like to - for even two seconds - think about is: the possibility that even the most careful, thought-out, long-term plan can go south - quick.  But anyway, that's where faith in Jesus Christ comes in...and grabbing a snow-shovel, instead of bellyaching about having gotten dumped.  Maintaining good health?  Goes a long way to avoid fast food and careless spending.  Yep, no way interesting in (stupid) tattoos and even stupider yyoooga cla$$e$ - keep yer demons, don't want 'em...which leads to the next category.

EntertaInment$ - ninety-seven percent vile crap...ugh, no thanks.  Not wanting tee-vee, and the rubbish that passes for movies and music cluttering my home...well that saves quite a bit of money.

Transportation - prefer to be home, and anyway, have no desire to play ki$$y-up games with boomer-sluts.

Gifts - better translated as "gimme fests."  i'm nobody's atm.  Gedda job.  As for charities, the plate comes around each sunday.

It's getting light out, time to shovel snow - because it gets hard if ya don't get to it right away.

Preachers can't preach everything, Bible's too big. Guess that's why we're supposed to read for ourselves. Mr and Mrs Job

had ten children.  Looks like atleast two of  the sons were established enough to have their siblings over to his house for a dinner party.  (Job 1:4)  Am guessing these man were in their mid twenties - which means, if Mrs Job had her first-born when she was around sixteen or seventeen, she would have been in her mid-forties when disaster struck.  In one day, her children died in that windstorm.  So yeah, she was upset and had harsh and foolish words to say.  

Did hear a sermon, by the way, where the preacher did point out why had spoken "as one the foolish women speaketh."  The preacher  clarified this statement - "as one" doesn't necessarily mean is one.  He also had added, she just lost her children - in one day - have some empathy, folks.

Anyway, years after the disaster, Mr and Mrs Job had ten children.  So, when the last of the second set of ten was born, Mrs Job had to have been in her mid-60s.  So, Mrs Job had given birth a total of 20 times - on average, a baby every two to three years.  Bible says the couple's daughters were very beautiful - sounds like the kids were healthy.  Sounds like they came from healthy parents - parents who were able to provide...something better than a 400 square foot dented sodacan, parked (too close to a steep hill) in hard-scrabble estates.