Wednesday, February 24, 2021

If you want to come home to a snow-free driveway,

then pay someone.  Sure, it's no fun to work two jobs, then come home tired, and looking forward to your pillow - only to realize there's snow to be shoveled (because snow that sits, gets hard).   Kids these days aren't exactly out looking to pick up a $20 here or there for an hour's worth of shoveling - it's cold outside, and besides two or three $20s...that is, if boomers are willing to pay that reasonable amount...  Call kids lazy?  Naah, prefer to call kids savvy.  Kids already know how dern cheapskate old people can be; why hassle for occasional change (this isn't vermont, where it snows heavy half the year) and freeze your behind off, when you could be inside texting/watching a video?

Yeah, having someone else clear the snow costs money - especially if your driveway is more than a few car-lengths long.  It's called the cost of doing business, and calls to be included in the monthly budget.  Expect this winter's snow-removal total to be around $350.  And it's SO worth it - all i need worry about are the walk-ways and a wide path down to the pole-barn.  Oh, and the mailboxes - neighbor has enough to deal with...nuf said.  

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