Tuesday, February 2, 2021

That was a good article, author spelled out six spending categories, which older people think about.

Well, sober-minded (older) folks, that is.  The author, who i assume has done some research, says that retired people average about twenty percent less in spending.  He detailed six main categories.  

Work related - things like new clothing (as in, dress for success - best translated as "kissing up to the (unsaved) worldlings."  Yay, don't have to play on that chuck-holed field...and don't have to go around dragging my face because a younger person got the promotion.

Housing - well that's an area needing attention.   Repairs...could be worse, alot worse.

Health - while the title of the author's blog is rather chiding...boomers gonna be boomers.  Anyway, he did point out (something that worldlings don't like to - for even two seconds - think about is: the possibility that even the most careful, thought-out, long-term plan can go south - quick.  But anyway, that's where faith in Jesus Christ comes in...and grabbing a snow-shovel, instead of bellyaching about having gotten dumped.  Maintaining good health?  Goes a long way to avoid fast food and careless spending.  Yep, no way interesting in (stupid) tattoos and even stupider yyoooga cla$$e$ - keep yer demons, don't want 'em...which leads to the next category.

EntertaInment$ - ninety-seven percent vile crap...ugh, no thanks.  Not wanting tee-vee, and the rubbish that passes for movies and music cluttering my home...well that saves quite a bit of money.

Transportation - prefer to be home, and anyway, have no desire to play ki$$y-up games with boomer-sluts.

Gifts - better translated as "gimme fests."  i'm nobody's atm.  Gedda job.  As for charities, the plate comes around each sunday.

It's getting light out, time to shovel snow - because it gets hard if ya don't get to it right away.


  1. God wasn't so good when it came to money. You've been fortunate to be I am guessing lower middle class or higher working class since from what I can tell you own a home, etc etc. I don't think you've experienced the level of poverty where all dignity is lost. Christians from what I could tell didn't let poor people at that level in the door except to maybe give them some food at the food pantry but the really poor knew the churches weren't for them. Funny because the pastors would condemn them for not being blessed. Still remember at the last IFB how my husband was chided for not having a "real job" since he worked at home. Since I was on a walker they couldn't guess that he was serving in a semi-caretaker role? Boomers have a lot more money in general than younger generations. I think this is why so many stick to the lie called trickle down and vote for people like Trump because for them 1980 never ended.

  2. Dear Peeps, yep, lower middle class, or higher working class is where i'm at. Good thing i'm not into vacas, tats, teevee subscriptions, bars, (red) meat ... otherwise, i'd be in serious dutch. i don't know how people do it, having no money, (beefing about the power company and such) and yet driving late-model cars and buying themselves new this and that.

    1. Well America is far poorer, young people don't get to buy a lot. You probably see some in your neighborhood living beyond their means. Homelessness and despair are skyrocketing, but what are the churches doing but giving everyone the David Ramsey gambit, it's your fault you are poor because you are too lazy. Don't blame people for buying a few things to make life better though they should be reasonable about it. They've taken everything away that gives life meaning just wanting worker drones.

  3. Dave Ramsey...ugh! Read two or three of his articles. i understand he's not hurting. That's not the beef i have about him. What really turned me off about him, as a person, was: he was telling people...the same people who are struggling with debt, to tithe 10% gross. And he, or perhaps it was some other snooty-tooty made the remark that "God is your number one creditor." That didn't sit well. God is not loans-r-us (at insane interest rates).
