Saturday, February 20, 2021

Age discrimination happens, because employers want young people - who won't ask too many questions, but this post isn't really about that.

Come to think of it, a lady from church - who went to college for an accounting degree - had told me, many employers expect their new-hires to just hit the specialized ground running.  Know the job, like you've been there for a couple of years - even though your first day was last October-something.  Roll with the constant, if not just plain conflicting, changes like it's no big deal - like relentless change is invigorating.  

Never mind Jeremiah was serious about walking the old paths - why, that impertinent...who does the Lord think he is?...nerve of him sending that old crusty rep...oh that old dusty suit...quick, james, bring me my flavored sparkle water and put on that ohmm cd - the one with the birds and the ocean.  That will be all, james.

But anyway, aside from the fact that most (not all) older people are less inclined to do the stupid things they did years staying out too late on weeknights, getting in with some rather unsavory types (who flatter themselves with titles such as "badass" (gag me with a spoon :/ ), blowing leave earned and paychecks - instead of saving and paying the bills right away.  Stupid things have a way of following people to peter j pan calling to bellyache about...something wrong with the internet.  Uhm, could be the slacker-surf could stand to, at the very least, ride over to (but don't hold your breath).

Aside of all that, sensible, responsible older people are faced with a glaring fact-of-life at the workplace - one which they can only do so much about.   Like, being busy and quickly grabbing that box of big envelopes from the storage closet - which of course was underneath something else.  Such is office life.  Well, that smarted, and the heating pad was hours away, and on the other side of  a cold wait for the commute bus.  Report it?  Nuh-uh - don't want people to know about any ache or pain; they might conclude it has something to do with age.

Being older and (by the Lord's grace) careful with leave hours earned, still the glaring fact remains:  when you're 30-something, icy spots don't scare you. When you're 60-something, you seriously consider either calling in late, or just calling off.  

Well, it's almost ten, and way past this old lady's bedtime.

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