Thursday, February 11, 2021

Saw a comment on another blog, and there was a mean spirit about it - and no, had nothing to do with the election.

Sounded red-pill.  He was going on about a "post-wall" relative - how she was a (oh horrors) feminist, and how she should not be around the little girls, unsupervised - because, well, she might say something about how important it is to study in school, get good grades, so as to eventually have credentials to get a good job - one that pays well enough, for not only independent living (if need be) but affords savings for rainy days.  Yeah, that sort of subversive advice to impressionable little girls. 

Uh, sounds like good old-fashioned common sense.  But anyway, red-pills have a creepy way about them - regardless who they voted for last November.   It's like they get their jollies in mocking any unmarried woman over 40 - like she's a box of whatever that's past the expiration date.   Well, in a related Christian broadcast, coming directly from the qwiverful party, the preacher/newscaster had briefly discussed a certain statistic - and i doubt the 1/3ish figure just happened last thursday.  But what the red-pill and the Christian broadcaster both had to say, may be related to another stat - in a few short years, it is estimated that almost half of women, between their early 20s and early 40s will remain unmarried.

The 1/3 fig from the Christian broadcaster, focused upon men, between their 20s and into their 60s.  About one out of three are not employed.  Granted, people do work under the table - yeah, talk to  Tina about that ...those reprobates...messed her over.  

Anyway, with so many guys either not working, or working so few hours ... and red-pill's mocking the single women?  Ya think there might be a reason why shirley (who, okay, could stand to lose a few pounds) would like to meet a decent fella but is in no way desperate enough to foot anyone else's issues/addictions.  

Yaay shirley, you go girl.  Yeah, she's going alright ... up to her nice office on the big-whig floor...where she has plenty of room to do her job, at a desk where the drawers actually close, and plenty of white space left over.   i'm gonna quit kvetching - don't have much workspace, but am grateful to have a job that pays well enough to put food in the frig and gas in the tank.  

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