Wednesday, February 10, 2021

If i decided to ditch faith in the real King (Jesus Christ). my only other option (holding nose) would be

belief in evolution, as fact - which doesn't even make any sense (and never really did, even back when i believed we came from a single cell, which somehow assembled the molecules, just everso...there's like a twisting line of a hundred, in the simplest of cells, and not a one can turn around or jump the line, shooting the bull with a molecule a few ones back or front).  Yep, with no God, all other options...what's the point.  But anyway, with this little thought experiment, on this little mediocre, lowest-form-of-writing blog ... some clay p*ss-potty had been on another blogger, like stink on ....  But i digress, that's what happens here.

Anyway, if i ditched faith in the one and only God, four-something million years of evolution would only prove one thing: i didn't so well in the lottery - wasn't born into the royal family (whatever that means).  Believing in evolution would mean, having every reason to be very ashamed and embarrassed for being over sixty...well, that's more than enough right there.  But there's more.  Not only being sixty-plus, but still having to get up each morning and work a full-time job (not just part-time, for sheets n giggles...or what so many boomers claim).

If i ditched the faith, then i'd be free ... to grasp ... at things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things (whatever the heck that means in a Christless excuse-for-a-universe) and to be mad/embarrassed as all heck whenever the grasping or the inevitable resorting to lying (a.k.a. fallen human condition) didn't pan out.

If i ditched the faith, i'd have a little more money (...maybe).  Ugh, no thanks.


  1. I faced facts believing in something I wanted to be true, didn't change reality. You know I wish there was a God who cared about humanity and intervened, of course without the hell and blood sacrifice stuff. Does that surprise you? I think deluding ourselves just has led to worse things, maybe humanity would survive better and care about each other some more if they didn't think an invisible man in the sky was going to fix everything.

    I guess that's why they call it "faith" instead of reality. For some of us reality bored itself out. We realized there was no God there, we were talking to empty air, and it never answered back or responded no matter how we begged. I figured if I die and it wants to send me to it's sociopathic hell, I can say, "You had your chance". The reality of this world shows it is simply not true. Look at Covid, there's no God caring or intervening as hundreds of thousands [millions world wide] die. The same happened during the bubonic plagues. Society could even collapse. Why hate on evolution, there's trillions of galaxies, [and that's just the ones humans can see in their little corner] things are more complex then humans ever dreamed. I think if there is a divine Source or God it's not some petty human creation demanding blood sacrifices and revenge in hell. Evolution is reality. I looked at the fossils and rest, whole parks full of millions of years old fossils. The IFB tried to tell me that was Satans lies and all the dinosaurs were plasters. I think it's better to deal with reality. As for Christ if he was a human that preached any love at all, and was a real human who came with a message, I think he would throw up at the sight of the abomination called Christianity which is for power and empire and blood in this world.

  2. Dear Peeps, Yep, people are deluded, in believing in a (vending-machine) god who's expected to magically fix the problems fallen humans keep on creating for themselves. And you are so right about many (so called) churches - they wouldn't welcome the fully human (and fully God) Christ, because it wouldn't be but a few minutes, when the Lord would call them on their narc-enabling b.s.
