Thursday, February 4, 2021

So, what color-scheme will their rainbow be? And what cap-combinations will their acronyms be? Waiting for the day, when

in our large cities, a group organizes a no-to-low-cost automobile-acquisitioners' pride day.  Can see it now, the really creative floats, show-casing the latest techniques - and of course, lots of sponsors advertising and selling those "mu$t-have$."  And get your tissues (also available for purchase) and while yet at it, buy a waay overpriced t-shirt) because, here comes the awareness floats; you'll hear heart-grabbing testimonies...of harrassment from neighbors, and from the police.  

You'll hear how even non bible-thumpers cop such hostile and very anti-science attitudes toward really nice people...who are, eh,  just a bit different in their automobile-acquisition practices.  It's genetic, and scientists are getting close to identifying what could be the gene group.

You'll see different groups...uhm, it's really not polite to lump all auto jackers into one category.  The group before us prefers mini-vans; the group behind them desire muscle-cars - especially, classic models (pre-1995).  And the group behind them...uh, not sure; think they're some sort of if-it-runs...

Now, the group that just passed, oh, about 15 minutes ago, they only swipe pickups -  the big ones (not the six-cylinder).  By the way, while your ears will be treated to all sorts of gush-talk, in reality, various groups do not care for other groups.  If you get close, you're bound to hear some rather rude descriptions.  "Jap-slap?"  Yep, ya heard that one clear enough, while passing among the crowd.  Don't know exactly what it means, or what group or groups it applies to - and confusion is the name of these sorts of "acceptance" games...go figure, where that comes from ;/

Anyway, got to get ready for work.  By the way, hope none of them are into stealing clunkers.  But who knows...with so much weirdness going on these days.


  1. I got confused reading this one? Did you mean gay people? Leave them in peace.

  2. Peeps, if they would quit shoving their liestyle down everyone's throat everywhere...guess that isn't going to quit happening. Seriously, you can barely watch a home improvement program, without your mind being assaulted - i don't have a tv, but a lady at my church does, and she was saying ...
