to be for-real about it. So much fakey-ness comes out, whenever that f-word (finances) is even sort-of mentioned. Like the old guy or gal who claims he or she enjoys (getting up at 5 am and driving through winter muck) standing for hours on end ringing up/bagging people's groceries, because retirement gets boring. Sure, retirement is bound to get boring...happens when you don't have the extra money to buy craft/gardening/travel/gift items. Happens when your fixed income is barely enough to fix things. Not retired yet, would like to be, but it's not happening for awhile. Taka good guess why.
Anyway, the saturna-stickup is (thankfully) behind us. Not exactly my favorite time of year...bah-humbug, you betcha! Saw a picture of a friend's beautiful Christmas tree - and what was really nice was, the oodles of packages surrounding it. And yeah, the green covetous creecher was fixing to invade my space, but the practical side posed a know what appears in mailboxes later this month. Uh, thanks but no thanks.
Been there, done that. One year, when the flowers were blooming and the birdie-birds were singing, was still paying for the previous saturna.