Sunday, December 6, 2020

Visit to the so-called best department store in the area. The unwritten, but clear message of the tags read,

"We don't want your kind around here."  In other words, statistically, the average woman.  And statistically, it's the old broads (boomers) who are actually able to afford that winter coat.  Wouldn't have anything to do, with the last winter coat - and a good one, at that - having been puchased, uhmm...years ago, would it?  Anyway, store wanted a few hundred... yeah, overpriced, and skimpy on the buttons - way of worldlings, way of pervs who design the stuff, (and have for decades)  hate women - especially older women - with. a. vengeance.  Needed a pair of gloves and something else - needed, which is why i'm not in eyeball debt - and went to find a checkout.

Left the store and looked for the mall directory, thinking perhaps, there might be a nice full-length, button-down coat for an average woman - yeah i know, silly me at a certain other sorta-better store.  Needless to say, the other store is no longer there.  Being old, also looked for a restroom that used to be near the directory, but they are now located in one place - the other end, by the food court.  Ya know, had there been any decent stores up that way...but there weren't - just Disney fluff and all, luring people to buy things, they neither need, for which the bills will continue into spring.

Left the mall and headed home.


  1. My shopping desires and needs have changed dramatically from when I was younger. They, the stores, do not appeal to elders much.

  2. Dear Tabor, and we both know, the stores haven't changed that much over the past few decades. i guess they know how old people are...only buying when something is needed. Guess that explains why us terrible boomers tend to have atleast some funds stashed away.
    Like the early 80s woman who sits in front of me at church said - it's been a set up from the word go. Remembering back, some 50 years - i distinctly remember old people, women especially, being invalidated by the clothing industry, for no better reason than being over 40. As an early teen, able to wear junior sizes, ya know what? Didn't care much for the fashions either.
